About ABA approved paralegal training programs and accredited schools that offer associates, bachelor and masters degrees.
There are many reasons to get your paralegal training certification.
Perhaps you have always been fascinated by what lawyers get to do and you want to be a part of that kind of work. Or, maybe you just know that you are smart and capable of handling the stress and hard work that would come with being around lawyers and the different cases they deal with on a daily basis. No matter what your reasoning, becoming a paralegal can be a very exciting and very rewarding career choice.
Paralegal certification is granted by three organizations of professionals. They are the National Association of Legal Assistants, the National Federation of Paralegal Associations, and the American Alliance of Paralegals.
Paralegal training certification is not the same as just completing a paralegal certificate program. A paralegal certificate supplies a diploma or certificate to someone who completes a course. Paralegal certification can only be given by one of the three above organizations and the requirements are more strict for completion.
For example, The NALA (National Association of Legal Assistants) has certain standards which they require for certification. They are combinations of education and experience. There is a two-day examination offered three times per year for paralegals who meet this criteria and want to take the exam. If they pass the examination, a paralegal may use the designation of Certified Legal Assistant or Certified Paralegal.
The AAPl (American Alliance of Paralegals) administers the American Alliance Certification Program. There is not an examination to pass to receive this certification. Any time a paralegal five years of experience in the field and certain education has been completed, they are then eligible to apply for this certification.
And finally, the Nation Federation of Paralegal Association (NFPA) offers and exam called the Paralegal Advanced Competency Exam (PACE). This exam offers those who pass to use the designation Registered Paralegal. Again, there is a required combination of work and educational experience.
Many prospective employers are looking for paralegals with training certification. If you are wanting to further your career then looking into a more detailed explanation of these requirements would be an excellent idea.
The more credentials you have, the more likely you will be chosen over other candidates who are applying for the same jobs as you are. Paralegal training certification is worth the extra time and effort in every aspect. Source: Accrparalegaltraining dot com, Louis Zhang
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