You have always dreamed of a good career, but when it comes to vital decision that needs to be made we start thinking over every step. This article will help you to realize how much a professional you are.
Having graduated from the university you are waiting impatiently when the time to apply your knowledge into practice comes. Your ambitious dream to make a great career and make a fortune is coming true. You are invited to work with professionals and have the chance to grow necessary skills and authority among colleagues. Here you are, on top: an honorable citizen, a good doctor, a friendly man. But... there’ll always be a “but” in life, no matter how hard you try to escape from it. When it comes to special circumstances, you are to show the solidity of your character and real professionalism.
Forgetting about vacation, sleep and rest you run to the hospital to see what the first “but” in your career is. And there he is, lying hopelessly on the hospital bed, eyes closed, and face pale. “No hope”, your colleagues whisper, but you don’t listen. Your mind wonders back to college, to those essays you considered useless being a student. How wrong you were, thinking that you’ll never deal with such a thing. Opinions you tried to express in your company custom essay on euthanasia, are quite contradictory. That proves that you didn’t even give the problem a good thought and now when you are forced to make a decision, you stand there in front of patient’s bed as hopeless as he is. This decision is going to be the first and the hardest in your life. Will you or will you not let the person suffer on the way to his death?
This problem is still burning nowadays and we hear various opinions. Merciful killing was a reasonable thing to do in Middle Ages, Classicism Age, and till the 19th century. Now there are people who think that it is not in human’s authority to make God’s will and the word “merciful” is invisible near “killing”, that is present in one of the Ten Commandments in the Holy Bible. Humanism reaches its peak nowadays and in some countries law forbids to shut down the support systems of hopeless patients ( On the contrary, no considerate human will leave another needy suffering, unless there is a purpose and a reason. The problem of euthanasia can be discussed endlessly, but our current problem is a professional ethics of a doctor in this situation. Swearing at the end of his/her studies they promise to do everything in their power to help the sick and needy. Is it or is it not a sort of help: to help a patient to pass away without pain and suffering? Not every doctor will allow such a thing, even knowing that there is no other way out. Is a doctor who allows euthanasia a professional or just another butcher from Middle Ages? It is doctor’s duty to do everything required to help the patient and save the rest, save those who can’t stand dealing with the boldness of facts and ever existing hope in their hearts. If family members ask a doctor to shut down the system of a patient doctor can do it, but after close investigation of the motive. Sometimes family members behave worse than butchers when it comes to inheritance. So this is a professional ethics’ question: who are you to be: a merciful doctor or a considerate humanist? This question can not be answered by the state or by your guild, you are to find the answer on your own and when you do, than you have every right to call yourself a professional.
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