"Programs in acupuncture teach potential Oriental medicine practitioners the healing art of effectively using thin, hair-like needles to stimulate the energy channels (meridian) along the body."
Find Programs in Acupuncture in the United States and Canada. In North America, there are several programs in acupuncture from which to choose. While many acupuncture schools and colleges provide a standard education in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, a number of programs in acupuncture include studies in Chinese herbal medicine, as well as Chinese medical massage (Tuina).
In most cases, in order to enroll in masters programs in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, students must first complete the equivalent of a bachelor's degree or four years of study from an accredited school or university. Once students have met all prerequisites, they may then apply to the Chinese medicine institute of choice. Common curricula that is offered in programs in acupuncture and Oriental medicine includes studies in anatomy, physiology, pathology, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theories, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tai Chi, Chinese medical terminology, and other associated subject matter.
Programs in acupuncture teach potential Oriental medicine practitioners the healing art of effectively using thin, hair-like needles to stimulate the energy channels (meridian) along the body. By inserting these acupuncture needles, the therapy begins by removing blockages from these energy channels. Once the blockages have been removed, balance is restored to the whole person to promote self-healing, renewed sense of well-being and alleviation of pain and other dis-ease. Studies have shown that the use of acupuncture is proven to be effective for several, common health conditions, including headaches and other musculoskeletal problems.
Is enrolling in one of many programs in acupuncture right for you? That depends on whether or not you have a strong drive to help in healing through natural means. In many cases, programs in acupuncture teach students holistic principles in treating the whole person and not just individual parts. As a personally rewarding career, professionally licensed acupuncturists provide patients with complementary medicines including acupuncture therapy, Chinese herbal medicine, Tuina, Tai Chi, moxibustion, Qigong, and other natural healthcare services.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding programs in acupuncture, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.
Programs in Acupuncture: Needling to Healing
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