SCDJWS 5 1Z0-862 Study guides and mock exam practice questions
Oracle offers variety of Java Certifications for all Java Editions (Java SE, Java EE and Java ME). SCDJWS 5 certification provides knowledge required to develop Java EE 5 Web service applications using JAX-WS and XML processing APIs.
You need to complete 1Z0-862 Java Enterprise Edition 5 Web Services Developer Certified Professional Exam to achieve this certification. After completing this exam,
the candidate has achieved a standard level of proficiency with web services, as well as with the Java technologies that support web services.
You need to complete Oracle Certified Professional, Java Programmer (SE 5 or SE 6) OR Sun Certified Java Programmer (any edition) before taking SCDJWS 5
The exam objective covers the following topics.
Topic 1 XML Web Service Standards
Topic 2 SOAP 1.2 Web Service Standards
Topic 3 Describing and Publishing (WSDL and UDDI)
Topic 4 JAX-WS
Topic 5 REST, JSON, SOAP and XML Processing APIs (JAXP, JAXB and SAAJ)
Topic 6 JAXR
Topic 7 J2EE Web Services
Topic 8 Security
Topic 9 Developing Web Services
Topic 10 Web Services Interoperability Technologies
Topic 11 General Design and Architecture
Topic 12 Endpoint Design and Architecture
You can visit Oracle site or download EPractize Labs SCDJWS 5 Training Lab and click Plan > Objective to know more details about this certification.
SCDJWS 5 study guide
The recommended Training Guide available for this certification is 1Z0-862 Training Lab, software product bundled with study notes and practice questions.
Is SCDJWS 5 Certification worth for your career?
Yes, the certifications add many value in terms for money and technical stuffs. Clear evidence that you have standard level of proficiency with web services, as well as with the Java technologies that support web services. The certification empowers in driving Web Services Programming based on Java EE web services APIS. SCDJWS 5 certified programmers can easily design and develop the web service code based on Java EE APIs. Being a SCDJWS 5 certified developer helps you to improve your career potential, gain more respect, and boost up your job security and opportunities. With SCDJWS 5 certified developer, you become more competitive in the job market.
Good luck for your preparation!