Search And Find Best School In Your Location
Searching an appropriate school for a child is really a tactful work and hectic work as it very difficult to evaluate the performance of the school. Internet is the inclusive source for getting any kind of information regarding any school.
There is ample amount of information available on the internet. School details are easily available online which is very helpful as it conserve lots of time. Sitting at home one can take out information about various schools. There are many websites available which offers the facility to apply online in the schools of their choice. The applying procedure is very easy and time saving.
A proper online search will help you in finding out good schools in your locality. You don’t have to visit the school personally. There are number of good schools but not every one of them may suit each child. Choosing the right school is tough task that affects your child’s life as well as your own. Online is one of the very easy and best medium to choose the school. Personal references really help out in a comprehensive way.
Appejay School which is situated in Navi Mumbai was established in 1986 under the support of Apeejay education. The school has come a long way and it is the one of the best not only in Navi Mumbai but entire Mumbai and the surrounding area. Apeejay School,
Nerul develop under the leadership of Shri C. Jayson who was the Principal from 1987 and remained in post until 1999. He played a key role in developing the academic standards for which the school is famous. The school offers education from nursery to XII and provides a platform for the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional development of children. The school is affiliated with central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
If you are a parent and are worried about your child’s admission in India, and witness the admission season in full swing with OSA. An online admission agent, we do everything for you right from giving you a choice of schools in India through our online school directory to scheduling an interview for your child from a number of schools. Admissions couldn’t get easier, but then, that’s because OSA understands parental woes that crop up during admission and is dedicated to ease the load off your shoulders.OSA also posts Blogs on the Internet on topics related to education and parenting and understands a child’s world perfectly.