Southwest Missouri State University Information
South Carolina State University is the black university located at Orangeburg, South Carolina. It was originally founded in 1896, as a land grant college to provide education to the citizens of the state.
The second largest state university of US is Southwest Missouri State University,

located at Springfield, Missouri. As a fourth district normal school, the university was founded in 1905 and it received its status of state college in 1945. With graduate and undergraduate courses, the university offered varied subjects to students in 1971. However, it is only recently in 2005, when its name is further changed to Missouri State University. The campus is located on 225 acres of land in central Springfield. Among the academics, the university offers more than 150 undergraduate major courses and 43 graduate courses. To help students select their faculty and decide about future planning, student academic support services are there. The career counselors available with the university aid in exploring the aptitude of the students especially while selecting majors. Also it offers cooperative education program and assists in job search of the students. Different orientation programs, special activities, immigration problems and their solutions, and providing naturalized services to the international students are also some of the works of cooperative education programs. For campus based and internet based courses, one has to take support from blackboard system. For evaluating all the academic performances and faculty affairs, there is Office of the Provost. Under the Provost, there are various colleges and departments in the university. There is college of arts and letters, college of business administration, education, health and human services, natural and applied sciences, etc. various departments range from Academic development center, agriculture department, biology, computer science, criminology, dietetics, economics, fashion and interior designing, hospitality and restaurant administration, library science, music, etc. Among the distance learning courses offered by the university, Internet based instructions, tele-courses and interactive CD courses, off-campus and Bearnet interactive video, off-campus high school dual credit program, etc are available. For students are also available national and international fellowships, scholarships and grants through fellowship office of the university. The campus of the university contains nine residence halls. There are also student organizations in the university. Whether ethnic, political, religious or any special interest, these organizations are the places for venting out the emotions of students of the university. Missouri Virtual School is operated through the Center for Scientific Research and Education where virtual learning communities are operational for the educational needs of all the students.