Special Education Needs for Blind
To begin with it is imperative to know what are Special Education Needs (SEN)? SEN comprises of the factors which do not allow a child to learn in the same way as other regular students.
There are various countries where SEN is addressed with different terms,

for example in Scotland the term Additional Support Needs (ASN) is used. However the key to catering and assisting these needs is same which is special education school. It is believed that almost all blind people have special education needs since they usually have additional needs apart from the visual impairments. It has been observed that such people have either hearing impairment or physical and so learning disability.Most of these special schools including school for autism are government funded. But unlike the other special schools the school for blinds offers mainstream curriculum and schools. The teachers look for information on providing access to the right curriculum to their blind students. Even though there are various school programs like the one mentioned above which aids in providing specialized instructions to the visually impaired there still remains a lot many challenges to deal with to ensure proper education for the blind students. Needless to say education is the most effective assistance one can provide a student with visual impairments its road is not smooth.It is a known fact that too many blind students leave school every year without even having mastered the skills and academics they were supposed to have grasped. Many a time there is a grave shortage of orientation and mobility facilities which a student needs the most and at others there is an unavailability of skilled teachers in these special education schools. This problem is then magnified in rural areas where it is most difficult to find these qualified personnel's. The persistence of the myth that these schools are too costly to afford is the most threatening strengthening and giving reasons to neglect education for the blind.Like the school for autism the school for blind has special needs to be looked into. Having mentioned the challenges here are some ways you can implement to help aid the education for the blind:Support by raising fund to ensure that there is an ample number of teachers in every educational set up helping the blind with communication and education simultaneously.Contribute by providing right and sufficient information to the parents of such students so that they can reach out for best educational facilities essential in shaping the future of their children.Provide with the best technology available to make the bling acquainted and equipped with computer-based educational programs.