Start An Art Club In Your Neighborhood
Now is a good time to do what you can to improve your own neighborhood. For those of you that have bought older homes and totally rehabbed them, you need to do something about the area that you live in. The city budget cannot go far enough to reach everything.
Now is a good time to do what you can to improve your own neighborhood. For those of you that have bought older homes and totally rehabbed them,
you need to do something about the area that you live in. The city budget cannot go far enough to reach everything. They have things that are higher on their list of issues than what you may be after. An art club for your neighborhood may be just what you need.
Adding an art club would be a boon to the resurgence effort. If you start small the investment will be minimal. Eventually you can apply for city, state, or even federal funds. By being a non-profit there are benefits to be had financially. That does not mean there are not going to be paid positions. That will be part of the budget once you get rolling. That is a good way to get a new job. You create one for yourself. An art club could have art classes that are informal and it would have a space that people could work on ongoing projects.
You will need a space to do this. There may be a community center in your area. If not you can always try to borrow a building. It sounds funny but that could be a possibility. If someone has been trying to sell a building or if the only use a portion of it they may be willing to let you use. You may be in the position to rent something later, or borrow space from the city at some point.
Sponsors for your endeavor are a very good idea. don't be shy about asking for money from those big corporations. They have departments just for dealing with giving out money to good causes. There is a way to go about it and as soon as you approach someone about it they will tell you how. The arts are one of the things that many companies like to sponsor. You will need to let the world know that you were helped by a company. A great way to do this is to customize some items, such as a shirt for your organization. You need to show off what you are doing in a public way too. You have your logo or information on a part of the shirt as well as the sponsor name.
So much good can come to your neighborhood through your new art club organization. You will have interest, energy, and money coming in. You can put on a show and sell what the students have created. One great idea that I have seen is having kids paint a piece of furniture. People will come to the show and buy because it is a good cause.