Teleclass Offers Help in Writing Dissertation or Publication
Teleclass Offers Help in Writing Dissertation or Publication During the Upcoming SemesterInnovative 2-session teleclass from Academic Ladder gives grad students, professors and writers a jumpstart to the academic year
Are you a grad student or professor worrying that you won’t get much writing done on your dissertation or publications this school year? Would you like to finish your dissertation,

or add a publication to your vita? Most academics find the new school year a chaotic and overwhelming time. They are inundated with the demands of creating syllabi, preparing for classes, attending meetings, and all the other tasks that become more urgent when September arrives. Yet, the most important task for all academics is writing. It’s not that teaching is unimportant, it’s that it has its own deadline – the class. This structure keeps you on top of the class preparation. But there are few, if any, deadlines for writing – at least in the near future. So research and writing more easily gets put in the “I’ll do it tomorrow” column. Gina J. Hiatt, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, dissertation and tenure coach, and founder and president of Academic Ladder, is offering a two-session teleclass on September 12 and 18. The first class will review the important habits of productive writers. Participants will have access to a password-protected webpage where they can post their daily progress in accomplishing their own writing, along with questions and comments. They will be able to see the progress and comments of others. This shared experience has been shown to increase writing productivity. The second class will be a live “coaching session” for all participants. They will have the opportunity to discuss their progress and any snags or problems that they ran into while writing their dissertation or articles during the course of the week. The cost of the two classes is $19.97.