Most people think that in the TExES exam, misreading problems can only happen in reading the comprehensions or verbal sections.
Most people think that in the TExES exam, misreading problems can only happen in reading the comprehensions or verbal sections. They think the math questions are the most straightforward ones. You will get an equation, a couple of numbers and four multiple choice questions, you solve the equation and that is it, you solved the math question. SIMPLE, not at all. As a veteran TExES exam coach, let me give you some insight about this. If you enter the exam hall with this kind of mindset, all you will be able to achieve is an ultra low exam score.
Confused, let me help you:
Let me teach you about one of the most common problems in TExES exam. You must get it right in your practice exams, otherwise your chance of becoming a certified teacher is very thin.
Most students understand the need to read the comprehensions and verbal sections correctly. Even the slightest misunderstanding of a word meaning can crash their test scores. So, they are always very keen to understand what the question is asking. But, the very same students forget to imply the same method when reading the math questions. They think the math questions are straightforward and there is no need to waste some time in reading those questions carefully.
Let us check some sample math questions to find out whether it is necessary to pay more attention to math questions.
The question is “If 5x + x = 30 then what is the value of x + 5?” Now, most people without paying much attention to the question will solve the value of x. However, that is not what the question is asking, it wants you to find the value of x + 5.
Now, here is an interesting one, “If 8y + 3x + 10 = 32 then what is the value of y?” Without paying much attention, many students solve it to find the value of x. So you see, it is an easy question, you can solve it real quick but still if you don’t read the question carefully, you end up finding the wrong answer.
This type of misreading can cause serious downfall to your exam scores. So, how to avoid these misreading problems? Read on.
The first thing you should do to avoid these problems is to point out and underline or draw a circle around the part of the question that says what you have to solve. Read the question a few times and ask yourself, what the question is asking, the value of x or x + 5.
And remember, there is no need to erase these marks from the test booklet. So, just mark the portion of the question that is asking what to solve and go on solve the question.
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