Thanks to a building block, children learn to share space with others, for school classes, using the development of personal autonomy and learning with the rest of the group.
Naturally, children learn to play alongside other children. They are also involved with the collective game so you can understand the concept of group, and understanding the importance of socialization. However, the relationship and communication with teachers and from child to child is still individuals. How about the best building block kit to enhance such relationship?
Gradually, they know naming and showing a preference for their peers. In these early relationships, highlights the exchange of toys. The physical, emotional and mental health in infants up to 6 months is important since:
- Discover and explore hands and feet. It leads to the mouth.
- Begins to use large muscles rolling, bouncing and swaying.
- Begins to sit with assistance.
- Play supports somewhere while playing.
-It takes motor control: it can reach, grab and grab things. Read the rest of
Didactic Toys and cultural value
People had forgotten the importance of a building block. Each society has its paradigms and this influences the child's environment. Thus, a child of the early twentieth century received a bow and arrow in Africa, while a small European steam trains. Today, as a country boy probably plays outdoors with a rag ball, a big city boy playing with your mini notebook. This only reflects that the toys are adapted to our times.
This reality is also seen on the wrists, which of cute babies, have become professionals working outside the home, reflecting the increasing autonomy of women. This has increased the range of toys that children have to choose, but the premise that they represent a part of life itself continues.
The educational toys such as a building block have been certainly modernized much but we should not ignore the traditional, such as the ball, jump rope and marbles. It is important to encourage their use in small despite the growing technology that invades us, as well as strengthening the relationship with parents, promotes teamwork, intelligence and the definition of strategies.
Regarding the use of war toys or not, we said that the toy is just a tool, and is the child who defined the game, so if the child is accustomed to see war or battle scenes on television, is expected to contribute that in their games and not the fact itself of having a tank or a toy grenade. In that sense, the use of guns or grenades does not necessarily contribute to violence with proper parental supervision, although it is advisable that if you want to play with guns, either developed by them one based on paper, to cite one example. Despite your preferences, do not ignore the importance of a building block for your kid.
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