The Minerva school system is the most intriguing recent development in experimental educational history. Its mission statement is based on a four-year undergraduate program that involves world travel with interdisciplinary study.
While traveling the world, students learn from the experience to get an insight into the issues that plague the planet. This way, they can get the needed practice to change the world for the better.
The aspects of online education are often criticized for its disconnect with the instructors. The future of computerized learning lies with the ability to pick an instructor and have a low or reduced cost of education. The positive side of such a system lies in a lesser overall percentage of student debt, but it also relies on the student’s independent endeavor in applying the knowledge. However, there are plenty of online resources, such as podcasts, articles, how-to essay writing guides, webinars, that compete with a full-fledged system of education on the market now.
E-learning in MinervaSchools already employ the internet’s limitless possibilities in the classroom. Managing workflow, determining specific assignments based on strengths and weaknesses and providing relevant information are tools that instructors use based around the cloud. Keeping track of student progress is essential to make sure that they advance through every single semester with new knowledge and ideas about its application.
Back to Minerva: like any new business, it is essential for any business to establish a reputation and upkeep it. Things will go well, and they inevitably go wrong. It is just the nature of the business that a new venture is well managed and problems are faced swiftly; this does put pressure on the students. To make online education work, there must be a consistent conversation with the students on what works and what does not.
The idea is exceptional; it forces the students to expand their worldviews and challenge their assumptions. To implement the concept into its practical use within the educational environment, the business side of things needs to solidify the company’s image and prove to be capable and respectable.
Apart from earning credibility and a strong position in the educational market, Minerva (and online education ventures in general) need to establish a community. With an active community and internal, as well as external feedback, staff and students are set as those who care for the newcomers and the media. Just like mastery learning, e-learning has concepts that are incredibly progressive but are not utilized well enough to be adopted globally. There are plenty of drawbacks, but with time and proper management, these progressive aspects can be accepted into the new upcoming era of education.
Advantages of Online Education VarietyThe internet offers great variety when it comes to information of any kind. Wikipedia is a fantastic example of user-led learning and teaching, but the fact that anyone can pick up a class that they are interested in and master it - that is what people have dreamed of for decades. Technology has developed to the extent that even in a time when someone is having trouble with employment, they can just pick up a new specialty within a short period and continue their career growth.
CostWithout the need for physical instruction, the costs of sustaining teachers are much lower since the information is already there to be reused and applied correctly for a student. In instances where a student cannot afford higher education, online classes are a legitimate option. And even then, some classes offer discounts to make it more affordable.
ComfortLearning in the comfort of a home can distracting, but it is much more convenient. The students cut travel time and are free to tackle tasks at their pace. It is a much more relaxed approach to stockpiling knowledge. It really is a shame that classrooms "outlaw" snacks. Snacks are great, especially when they are just in the next room.
Disadvantages of Online Education Self DisciplineWhile it is comfortable, distance learning (especially long term) requires incredible self-discipline. If that is something that can be tackled, then why not. Otherwise, it is not for the lazy kind.
Compared to traditional education, there is no integration into society. Online courses cannot teach friendship or teamwork or anything that involves working together.
AccreditationBefore enrolling in a course, it is essential to check for certification and any kind of requirement that it fulfills when applying for a job or institution after it. Only certain classes look good on resumes.
ConclusionThe Minerva school system, in the context of online education, has a lot to learn from established institutions. Sustaining a positive interaction within their community and having consistent and honest feedback is key to expanding their mission to multitudes of people. There are clear disadvantages that they need to iron out, but progress is imminent. Any system that puts the student first and adapts around that worldview is admirable, and with qualified staff and an interesting approach to learning - it is only a matter of time schools take notes.