The Potentially Dark Effects of Globalisation on Education
Globalisation is often touted as the panacea for all our ills, economic or otherwise. That is clearly not the case, and one obvious example is the field of education.
Globalisation has affected almost the entire living status of every person,
![The Potentially Dark Effects of Globalisation on Education Articles](
especially in urban areas. Experts and governments are studying the impact of globalization on value systems and employment. One of the most important sectors that is experiencing and undergoing constant change under the effects of globalisation is the area of education; should people be alarmed about this? The effects of globalisation on education bring rapid developments and changes in technology and communications. These changes, however, can also give helpful contributions to learning systems across the world.Through the new knowledge that is brought about by globalisation, some changes in values and ideas are brought about in students and teachers in producing a more industrialized society. Globalisation reflects the effect on culture and brings about a new form cultural imperialism. This may be reflected in the loss of their native languages for quite a few cultures, and it may even eventually result in the dominance of Mandarin Chinesein the future.Globalization is tremendous process, which has affected many areas of human life, particularly in the education sector. Over the years, many developing countries have experienced growth in educational facilities; however, many people believe that due to the rapid growth of globalisation, the majority of people from developing countries cannot afford to get the best and valuable knowledge and skills. Globalisation of education involves knowledge transfer from the Western countries into developing countries in order to improve the skills and capabilities of the people receiving it.Education is becoming a lifelong learning and training process, where knowledge and information is being traded and applied to more competitive markets. In addition, through globalisation, the introduction of technology brought to learning institutions a tool to more productive educational learning. Today, technology is used into the classroom that makes the nature of delivering education easier and gives an advantage to students both to learn not only about technology, but also it allows students to explore new areas of thinking and learning.In addition, the spread of education internationally, as a result of globalisation, has seen effects on cultures worldwide. Globalisation driven by technology and communication helps shaping children’s knowledge and capabilities, to become more functional and productive community leaders in the each future.The current globalisation creates both challenges and opportunities. Technology and globalisation may help in improving the development of education; however, through this shows some negative impact to the functions of teachers in every corner of the classroom as well. Due to the massive influence of technology on human lives, globalisation affects the teaching strategy of teachers. It may actually help to make the teaching technique more efficient, however, it makes professional teachers more dependent on the knowledge of machines such as internet instead of books. It also creates a definite need for educational advisors, who can assist students, parents and teachers alike in this increasingly confusing situation.Today, globalisation has been the center of discussion, especially in education and business theory. It may bring positive effects to the economy in the world, however, what people should know is that it has darker side effect as well that may affect the living standard of disadvantage people, and thus, people should remember them.