The right PSAT and SAT Scores For Getting College Scholarships
A few colleges will grant full scholarships for perfect PSAT scores. Quite a few will provide a scaled-down amount of money for a perfect PSAT score. Some colleges don't provide merit aid based on test scores whatsoever. It differs among colleges.
A few colleges will grant full scholarships for perfect PSAT scores. Quite a few will provide a scaled-down amount of money for a perfect PSAT score. Some colleges don't provide merit aid based on test scores whatsoever. It differs among colleges.
A perfect score on the PSAT will mean the student will at least end up being a
"National Merit Commended" scholar. Children do not need to be PERFECT to be able to be commended. At the same time,

there is no fixed score that will guarantee they proceed beyond Commended Scholar to National Merit Semi-Finalist. The specifications to move on differ year by year.
Receiving a perfect PSAT score suggests that the child is intelligent - yet is not going to show you precisely how intelligent they are. It will mean colleges may provide them merit scholarships - but not specifically the level of scholarship money. A perfect score on the PSAT will mean that the student has a wonderful achievement (like National Merit Commended Scholar, or National Merit Scholarship. )#) Many colleges will give merit scholarships for that. But a perfect PSAT score will also generally mean a good SAT score, so those are tied together.
However the PSAT is not the only test associated with scholarships. The SAT is also closely linked to scholarship money. A perfect score on the SAT test might have absolutely nothing to do with whether you are a selected as a National Merit Scholar. But that perfect score can provide great financial aid in terms of merit scholarships.
Very high PSAT scores are extremely tough to obtain. When a college only provides merit scholarships for close to perfect PSATs, then most likely they don't have very much money to offer. You might have better chances with financial aid if you pick another college that has a variety of opportunities for merit scholarships - something that doesn't demand perfection. I would find other colleges that provide scholarships for other test scores. Don't devote a great deal of time in contemplating a college that will ONLY give merit aid to near perfect PSAT.
Consider schools that grant scholarships based on other aspects too, and possibly give more than the typical merit scholarships to a near perfect PSAT.
Here is the take-away: study for the PSAT and SAT. Studying for those tests can help save a truckload of money on college. The level of money may differ from college to college, based on scores. However the general message is simple: Study for the PSAT and SAT.