The Student Loan Interest Consideration
It seems that many people are completely up in arms about their student loan debt and yet do they really have any right to gripe? Recent studies show ...
It seems that many people are completely up in arms about their student loan debt and yet do they really have any right to gripe? Recent studies show that on average,
![The Student Loan Interest Consideration Articles](
student loan repayment figures come to about $80,000 per student. While this may seem exorbitant, especially when you start to think about this debt in reference to how much was borrowed, it was nearly half that amount.
Naturally, everything is in perception on this issue. It is very likely if you are a college graduate with a load of student loans then you will more than likely side with individuals that believe the government is taking students for a ride with these high interest loans, which by the way are no higher than those assessed by most banks currently. Honestly, for the time period that it takes most students to pay off these debts in full there is quite a bit of leeway and forgiveness granted in the process.
On the other hand, if you are someone who has worked a menial job and avoided student loans then you probably feel that it isn't fair for those who have gotten college degrees to skip out or be forgiven out of paying off their debt. If they knew that they would never have to pay for a college education perhaps they might have chosen differently. After all, how many would have passed up on a free education paid for by the U.S. government and all those taxpayer dollars?
The truth is that most college graduates make approximately 2.1 million dollars over the course of a lifetime, which is about a million more than those who don't have a college education. Therefore isn't the investment of a college education a worthwhile one? Considering the fact that there are very few places that will offer you the opportunity to multiply money invested by that many times and on top of that it is not even money that has to be laid out in advance.
When it comes to student loan debt, irrespective of which side you are on, you must understand that there are two sides to this concern and both have very valid points. However, it is also important to realize the forgiving all student loan debt is very simply not the answer to the problems of our culture and could very likely result in the demise of the entire country if the slate were wiped clear.