Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Nov 20


Maria Kessar

Maria Kessar

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This article describes the tips that could be helpful for the students to make their dissertation project more structured and acceptable as per university norms. It includes complete structure for all the elements that should keep in mind.

Dissertation writing is the most complex task for the students that contains highest grade in their academic career. To write a research study,Tips for Writing a Dissertation Articles it is essential to consider several aspects that are essential for the successful completion of the project. Following are some of the points that should be kept in mind, while writing this type of projects:

Clear identification of research interest area: To write the research effectively, it is essential for the students to clearly identify their interest area. The identification of research interest area would be effective for the students to create their interest in writing the dissertation.

Clear research aim and objectives: The aim of the dissertation study should also be quite clear and achievable. It is the most important aspect on which complete research study depends. Good writing includes a single broader research aim and 3-4 objectives in SMART manner (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable and Timely). A research study should include only a single aim as it determines direction of the overall research by providing the basis for the further steps in a research study.

A dissertation includes different chapters and all the chapters include different information that is quite essential for the effective accomplishment of the project. Following are the different chapters that should be framed in the following manner:

Introduction Chapter:

1. Brief overview about topic/Title

2. Research problem

3. Research Aim and Objectives

4. Justification of Study chosen (It should include the significance of dissertation for the business, researcher, students etc.)

5. Assumptions (If any)

6. Ethical consideration

7. Structure of the study (Brief of all the chapters)

Literature review chapter:

1. Creation of opinions in the form of hypotheses

2. Search literature to determine others opinion for the same

3. Development of self opinions with well founded arguments on the basis of other opinion

4. Development of a conceptual framework

Case study analysis:In this chapter, the analysis of the company is done on the basis of research aim and objectives to provide real world information. This chapter is not essential for all types of dissertations as generally it is used in the research only that includes a case study to determine the social beliefs or current happenings in the current business world.

Research methodology:

Research methodology with proper justification and limitations

1. Research nature

2. Research philosophy/paradigm

3. Research approach and type (Inductive/deductive, qualitative/quantitative)

4. Research strategy

5. Research design

6. Data collection method

7. Data validity

8. Generalization

Data analysis and findings:

It is the most important chapter that should include the key findings and its presentation. The analysis of findings should include the graphical and tabular presentation. The use of SPSS also makes the data analysis chapter more effective and presentable that is significant to increase the research credibility and validity. The use of SPSS techniques should be according to data obtained from the dissertation as it is not applicable to all types of researches.

Conclusion and recommendations:

1. Discussion/summary

2. Recommendations

3. Managerial implications

4. Research limitations

5. Future perspective