How a cigar wrapper affects your smoking experience.
The wrapper is an integral part of your cigar. Before you begin applying your lighter to just any old cigar, you need to know the difference the type of wrapper makes. Numerous different types of wrapper exist and they all play a role in how much you enjoy your cigar. Do you know the difference between a Claro and a Colorado wrapper? What is a Maduro wrapper? How does the type of wrapper used affect the enjoyment of the cigar? Here, you will find a bit of help in understanding the role played by the wrapper.
Oscuro: The Oscuro wrapper is made from leaves growing at the very top of the plant. You'll find these dark (black) wrappers have a very strong taste and are often a bit harsh. Not for the first time smoker, these wrappers can be enjoyable, but be prepared.
Double Claro: The Double Claro wrapper is sweet in taste and can make for a more enjoyable cigar experience. However, these light green wrappers are not widely used anymore and can be difficult to find.
Colorado: Grown in shade to produce a thinner leaf, the Colorado wrapper can be brown, with a bit of red thrown in. Usually, these wrappers are somewhat strong when you use butane torch lighters or other flame producers to light them.
Claro: Different from the Double Claro, this wrapper is also grown in the shade and has a tan hue. The most distinct difference in the Claro wrapper is that, generally, it is more mild in comparison to most other wrapper types.
Maduro: The Maduro wrapper can range from brown to black in color and provides a very smooth smoke. Applying flame from butane torch lighters releases the benefits of a lengthy curing process and can ensure that your smoking experience is as enjoyable as possible.
Of course, there are several other types of wrapper out there. You'll find Colorado Maduro wrappers, Colorado Claros and several other common types. However, the wrappers mentioned above are the most frequently encountered. Finding the right wrapper type can have tremendous benefits for your smoking enjoyment, just as choosing the right option from the many different types of butane torch lighters can influence how you enjoy your smoke.
Selecting the right wrapper for you can be a fun exploration and can assist you with experiencing a multitude of cigar brands from across the globe.
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