Facts on Visual Impairments that could assist many incorrectly labelled called 'Blind People' in every day life.
I am forty five years of age and for most of my life, well the last forty three to be precise I was under the impression that blind people as in those with white sticks or guide dogs were totally blind. It was not until I became an Access Auditor that I studied such disabilities as vision impairments that I became aware of the true facts.
There are over two million registered blind people in the UK with more than five million unregistered. 94% of those blind people can see to some degree or other be it colours, shades or distorted shapes etc.
It is because of this I would like to share my finding on the importance of colour and luminance contrasting to give aid to the many vision impaired people in the world.
For example if a person with a vision impairment enters say a public WC they would find a white WC system, white walls (Probable), white wash basin and so one those facilities would be near on impossible to locate.
By painting the walls in a contrasting colour those white objects stand out can be identified by most vision-impaired people. Handrails on stairs that are the same colour as the wall in another example but in this case a danger when not identified. Simple solution again in contrast the rails in say blue, black, green in fact any colour that will create a strong contrast.
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Robin is a Disability Access Auditor and directory owner in the UK www.access-auditing.com www.ableize.comA sick World
One woman’s story of a deafblind street attack and the inability of the police and ambulance service to interact and offer her help highlights the need to raise awareness of this disability: