Variety of Activities for a Special Child
Does the thought of being homebound bother you? How horrific a question it is to enquire about and the instant reaction will be an amazed "YES". Of course it will be.
No one would entertain the thought of being stuck in a four-walled structured and destined to stay there for their entire lives. But this is doomed thought is a hard reality for those with mental impairments. Depending on the seriousness of their disability they live a dependent life with a limited access to the outside world and the activities if not for the home for mentally challenged.On one hand lack of activities even in a regular individual triggers depression and certain complexes and on another plane imagine a disabled person fighting his disability and the complexes and depression all alone. Even the thought is frustrating. In this light it is greatly imperative that people with such disability indulge in activities of their interest which also help them to stay motivated pronounces a study from a special school for disabled children. With a little variation in schedule life turns into a nightmare but for specially abled individuals it is more than a social need and less of a leisure. Thus it is necessary for parents and all those around such adults and children to play new activities to help them get rid of their depression. Some of which are:Help them find HobbiesHobbies like scrapbooking,

writing, crafts, photography amongst others are best way to combat depression. Many special schools for disabled children have made it a point to include hobby classes in the curriculum apart from academics. Identify what they like and push them towards pursuing those. Technology has become bliss in these cases, like say you like reading and you feel it is difficult to hold a book, you can always take the aid of computers or tabs or even phone to read with a presence of a huge e book market.Get dressed regularlyIt is rightly said you look good, you feel good. As small and simple it may sound it is important, remarks an expert from home for mentally challenged. Remember no one needs a reason to get dressed, dress for you. Beat the boredom and monotony with bright colours and a funky collection in wardrobe.Get a petPet therapy works for all. With some around to cuddle, take care of like feeding them, taking them for a walk you are responsible for a particular someone. The feeling is overwhelming and beyond words.