A Transformational Speaker will elicit a change from deep within by reminding the listener that they are alive now and that their own greatest gifts are found by being awake and attentive to Life as it unfolds moment by moment by ... www.wakinguptolife.com
There are many reasons we might find ourselves listening to a public speaker, just as there are many ‘types’ of public speakers. As a member of the audience, I can be affected by a public speaker in a wide spectrum of ways. From bored and bewildered to amused and confused, to energetically enlivened to heart opening inspired to self-shatteringly transformed. So too can a public speaker intend to affect their audience in a wide spectrum of ways. The 5 most common intended effects are:
1. Providing Entertainment
2. Sharing of Information
3. Eliciting a Motivational experience
4. Eliciting an Inspirational experience
5. Eliciting a Transformational experience
As conference budgets tighten and workplaces become more discriminating with their money, everyone is wanting more. More for their money and more for their time and more for their attention. They want value, and one way to measure value is by looking at the depth of the services. I am using the word ’depth’ specifically to represent four areas:
1. how profoundly affected the listener is likely to be
2. how enduring those affects are likely to be
3. how important is the message
4. how engaging is the messenger
Entertainment is a pleasant but usually temporary and therefore shallow experience. Information may or may not be forgotten depending on it’s relevancy to the listener and speed of its implementation and therefore, ‘information sharing’ is often only slightly deeper than entertainment. Motivation and Inspiration may or may not endure depending on how deeply the listener was effected. As well, if motivation and inspiration is not immediately acted upon there will be no momentum and therefore there will be no lasting effect. In determining the depth of potential experience while listening to a speaker (myself included), I look at several questions:
If the message is important and the messenger has been transformed by their own understanding, their message will be transmitted with conviction, passion and credibility, obvious to one and all.
A Transformational Speaker aims to touch the audience in the deepest and most enduring way.
A Transformational Speaker will connect with each listener to remind them of their own magnificence.
A Transformational Speaker has groped in the crevices and caverns of Life and returned to speak about it with gifts in hand.
A Transformational Speaker has had a diversity of Life experience and has become tenderized and transformed, not jaded and closed.
A Transformational Speaker demonstrates openness and clarity through the use of Awakened Attention, Presence and Perspective.
Words, when arising from clarity, presence and spaciousness, have the power to transform the listener. Words, when arising from clarity, presence and spaciousness have the power to awaken new perspectives, as well as remind of ones own deepest but forgotten wisdom. A Transformational Speaker will elicit a change from deep within by reminding the listener that they are alive now and that their own greatest gifts are found by being awake and attentive to Life as it unfolds moment by moment by ...
What I Really Am (and so are you and Jesus)
A playful yet controversial view that our true and timeless nature does not need to be confirmed by the great realizers that have come before us.How Do You Define Success?
What would it take for you to define yourself as a 'success'? Hitler was a success in his efforts of conquest and domination, until Moscow and Stalingrad. Jack the Ripper succeeded in maintaining anonymity while mutilating and murdering. Jim Jones succeeded in leading 914 of his followers to drink poison cool-aid before killing himself. I have personally succeeded in deceiving and betraying friends, family and lovers.10 Tips For Mothers of Troubled Teenage Sons
Recently I have been spending more time educating mothers of troubled teenaged sons. What I have found is that the progressive and open attitude of these mothers is hopeful and inspiring. Hopeful, because there is much that a mother can know and do that is essential in this crucial developmental period of their son’s life. Inspiring because the steps a mother might have to take to truly help their sons are difficult, painful and as I will outline, counter-intuitive.