Some people believe that all forms of government are unnecessary. They are called anarchists, and what they believe in is called anarchism. An anarchist says that government and rules do more harm than good.
He believes that people will cooperate with each other and behave themselves without rules of any kind. Anarchism is as old as history. The Bible tells us that some people were opposed to the leadership of Moses, and did not want to be ruled by the laws he gave them, even when he told them the laws came from God.
Every form of government since that time has been opposed by anarchists. Not all anarchists are destructive and dangerous. Some merely believe in anarchism without doing anything active about it. They believe that some day all men will be good enough to live without rules or authority of any kind. When people live without any government it is called anarchy. Conditions close to anarchy often exist for short periods of time when a government has just been overthrown and a new government has not yet been established, or after a great catastrophe, such as a fire or earthquake. When a class in school acts wild because the teacher has left the room for a while, it is a kind of anarchy.
Spiders In The Garden
Watching for their prey in the centre of a radiating geometrical snare, we often find the garden spiders. The beauty of their vertical orb-webs and the large size of these strikingly marked creatures always attract our attention during summer strolls.Jack & Jill The Vulture Twins
Probably this story of Jack and Jill, the Vulture Twins, would never have been written, if Betsy, Farmer Parsons' old brindle cow, had not refused to come up from the woods one night. But she wouldn't come, so Farmer Parsons had to go down after her.At Home With Mr. Burroughs
Youth still peered out at me in spite of his crowning thatch of silvery hair when I first met John Burroughs in 1904. As we walked together on our way to his rustic little house in the woods called "Slab-sides,"