What is Success and How do We Achieve It?

Jul 14




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Success is a word that we hear quite often but do we really know what it means? Do you know what success means to you? Are you able to separate what your version of success is from your parent’s version, your friend’s version, and social media’s version?


Success is the sense of accomplishment that you get when you fulfill your goals and are where you want to be.  To have a Successful Life you can target each areas of your life individually and hence success can be achieved as a whole in your life. Here are the 8 areas where you can set goals for yourself to accomplish success in. Once you feel accomplished in the goals you have set for yourself, you have a balanced “Wheel of Success”.

  1. Relationships- Strengthening your relations with your family
  2. Health and Fitness- Taking control of your mind and body
  3. Business/Career- Achieving great success in your business/career goals.
  4. Finance- Taking charge of your financial health
  5. Fun and Recreation- Having joy and replenishment for your overall well being
  6. Physical Possession- Accomplishing what you desire to own
  7. Contribution and Legacy- Creating destiny for your future generations to come
  8. Good habits and Personal Growth- Growing and becoming the best version of yourself

Now,What is Success and How do We Achieve It? Articles set a goal for yourself on what does success mean to you?

  1. Lots of money?
  2. A big house?
  3. A wife and kids?
  4. Owning your own company?
  5. Traveling the world?
  6. Helping others?
  7. Having health and vitality?
How to Achieve Success?

1. Knowing your WHY

Before you think of Success, you need to have your WHY clear. A WHY means something that drives you. A purpose which you want to have accomplished. What makes your heart beat faster just thinking about it? What is your soul’s desire? What are you passionate about? What can you see yourself pushing through even when the times get tough?

2. Having Clarity with no misunderstanding

If you don’t plan, how you will reach your destination. Imagine setting out on a trip with your destination in mind but no plans on how you are going to reach there? So, to achieve the final goal you have to have a clear path and know exactly what steps to take to reach your outcome.

3. Write your Goals

There is magic in writing your goals down and it always works in the favor of people who write their goals down. They are 42% more likely to achieve their goals. Writing the goals down ignites new dimensions of consciousness, and it also provides new ideas and also gives you a sense of possibility and a sense of achievement and it ignites your subconscious mind. People who write their goals down have 1.4 times higher chances of succeeding by just committing their goals to paper. Goal writing increases your success in ten folds.

4. Make smaller Goals

Break your goals down into smaller parts. Sometimes when you have big goals you may feel overwhelmed and might get stuck on where to start. Therefore, writing and breaking them into smaller goals help you achieve more than you had ever thought.

5. Have an Action Plan

Against each written goal write a specific plan on how you going to achieve it. For example-

– I will stretch my body everyday

– I will make 3 people smile every day.

– I will go to the gym and I will lift weights 3 times per week

– I will quit sugar for next 2 weeks

Now you have a specific plan of Action.

6. Track Your Progress

When you track your progress you can keep a track of your achievements and your failures and you can see how much progress you have made and feel encouraged to keep going to achieve those goals.Tracking your progress gives you a possibility to identify the best practices.

7. Be a Continuous Learner

Successful people are constantly reading, listening to audio books and podcasts and taking classes. Embracing creativity and knowledge means they will always strive for something to keep them on the cutting edge.

8. Embrace Failure

Successful people know that failure is part of the growth process. You have to take risks in order to move forward. They also know the importance of learning from their mistakes as that knowledge helps them succeed. Failure simply means there is something to be learnt or another direction to be taken. Failure is a guidance system that helps point you in the right direction.

When there is an obstacle in the middle of the road, you turn around and go home, you drive around it. The obstacle in the road may have been there to protect you from hitting a huge pothole. Trust that the obstacle is there to help you navigate and keep you from falling in the hole. Then get excited about the next step as you are on your journey to success.

9. Have Gratitude

Gratitude is critically importance because without it, you won’t appreciate the success when you get it. The more you focus on gratitude, the more you attract success in your life. When you are grateful and share your feelings with others, they receive the feel-good energy that you are putting out there. They are more likely to remember you since there was a feeling attached. That feeling of gratitude feels so good that they want to stay in that energy. They will help you and connect you with others because they like you and trust you. Opportunities that you never expected will show up.

When something not so great shows up in your life, acknowledge it, and then return to the state of grace. What you give your attention to grows. The amazing thing about gratitude is that anyone can do it at any time. It’s free and incredibly infectious.