Part time jobs can be a hassle or saviour depending upon ones angle of thoughts.So read on to read both sides of the story.Then decide your side of the part time debate.
It is important for every person to be able to live a fine life. For many people this privilege is given by their parents or relatives, but most of them have to create their future by themselves. Many students nowadays try to benefit from all of the advantages that the life gives them. If college students want to be successful they have to be multifunctional and agile. That is why many of them are working while still studying, to be able to stand out from the crowd.
One way to have a tough time in college is to work while you’re studying. While many students can handle working while studying, it’s not just for everybody. You have to weigh the pros and cons of this decision carefully or else you might be postponing your graduation date by several years, or in many cases, this might take yourself out of the graduation pool completely. Some students get so caught up in the work they have started in college that they eventually drop out.
The key disadvantage in working during college is that It hogs your time. Unless you have a lot of solid time management skills back in high school, college can be especially challenging in terms of handling your time. There are just so many things to do and not enough time to do it. In between social commitments, extracurricular activities, schoolwork, or family issues, there are way too many considerations to keep in mind. Many people can’t really juggle all those things up in the air. You have to pay careful attention to how you deal with pressure and stress as this can greatly affect you.
One of life’s resources is time. In zero sum mentality, if one piece of the pie gets bigger – say your schoolwork – other pieces of the pie – like family time and work – gets smaller. If you have a zero sum mentality or mindset, it’s probably a bad idea to get a job before you get a handle on your schoolwork. Once you are able to study efficiently and produce better and consistent academic results with less and less time, then that would be the best time to go out and get a job.
Sure, having an extra job brings extra money but that money comes at a price. First of all, you have to sacrifice some socializing or study time so you can work. But the sacrifice doesn’t end there. All jobs, regardless of what they are, involve some level of stress. You are already stressed out enough from your schoolwork and perhaps even your personal relationships. Can you really handle the extra stress load that comes with a job? Jobs produce stress not just in terms of the actual work itself but also in terms of dealing with your co-workers. In fact, this is the number one cause of stress – interpersonal tension. A better approach to follow would be: Once your academic stress level subsides and you have a lot more free time, maybe this would be the right time to take a job, since you’ll be more able to handle whatever stress the job may bring.
Working in school is not for everybody. It takes certain level of personal discipline and time management proficiency to successfully pull this off. While there are many key advantages to working while in school, if you have the wrong mindset or the wrong personality or simply just don’t have the time and patience, this might not only be a waste of time for you but a setback to your academic career as well.So even if you work never skip your assignment writting deadlines.
It is certainly beneficial to work while studying and it changes a simple student into reliable independent person. But students should always remember that it is not that easy as it seems and they should be ready for the challenges that they would face.
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