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Thinking about taking online education degrees but haven’t decided yet? Here is a list of top 10 most annoying facts during my college days in a university. Maybe you can relate to at least one of it below:
FACT #1: I spent an amount of money for two bus rides and traveled X number of hours going to the university and end up seeing a note on the blackboardà “Read chapters 10-20. Exam on Thursday.” I remember skipping my breakfast just to catch the early morning class.
FACT #2: Not in the mood to study so everything that goes inside my right ear, exits the left. ‘Still hoping to pass a surprise exam, if there is any.
FACT #3: Can’t sleep because some questions didn’t leave my thoughts since last meeting and the minute I want to blurt it out, the bell rang.
FACT #4: Okay, I finally decided to email my professor about these questions. Unfortunately, x number of days passed and still haven’t got the answer. Yeah I know, I’m not the only student he has and is not a priority to get back to ASAP.
FACT #5: I have this irritating group of classmates who gets to my nerve and I have no choice but to see them in a class or two.
FACT #6: I’m not able to keep track of my notes and other materials from my professor because I was sick for 2 days. I needed to ask someone for a copy of notes.
FACT #7: I need to run for something but I’m tied to this class schedule. In the end, I lost my concentration.
FACT #8: I’m fully convinced that my thoughts were correct and were more appropriate than what my instructor told the class but I didn’t get a positive feedback, just a nod. Students are human beings, and they need a “tap on the shoulder” to boost their confidence on their ideas and thoughts. And it’s a fact that some professors are not kind enough to give one.
FACT #9: Fact No. 8 is one of the many reasons why some students don’t speak at all, instead of being vocal with their ideas in-class. You don’t want to be embarrassed in a number of classmates, do you, especially if your professor did not agree with your points?
FACT #10: My class schedule was often not normal. It’s like I need to wait for 3hours before the next class. And I can’t travel back home or have no place to stay during my vacant hours. So in case I’m late with my first class, I’ll have a total of more than 3 hours of waiting time?
Although students can choose their own class schedules, online training courses are more flexible. You can do self-study courses on your own schedule and at your own pace, allowing you to get professional and vocational career training that works.
Succeeding on your study, whether through traditional in-class or online training courses, will always depend on how you condition yourself – concentrate, listen and ask.