Why the good communication is important?

Feb 11


Idalia Luczak

Idalia Luczak

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Many scientists say that the human dominance over animals is the language – the fact that we think and communicate in words. We can speak but still we don't always understand each other. Why is this happen? Communication is not that easy as it seems and speaking is only one of the elements that it consists of. Apparently it's accepted that the words account for only 7-11% of it. There is also a body language that many people aren't aware of existing or don't know how to use. And if speach and body don't go with theirselves someone can be easily misinterpreted. Intentions won't be clear enough.


But nowadays many people realize that good communication skills are not only the key to a good business but also a key to a good living. If you can't communicate your thougts and ideas correctly you won't earn anything in this world. Many situations can be affected by poor communication. So in this purpose people go for a Communication training that helps improve their skills. Also lots of books have been written about how to be a good speaker and listener,Why the good communication is important? Articles how to make speaking effective. And effective communication happens when we reply on those things we know to be true about ourselves and we seem true to another person.In the century of the internet and global information good communication is specially important. Managers and politics who are often obliged to speak in public need to be persuative as they seem confident and reliable. Poor presenter can kill any deal, and a good one can sway the decision makers. As for managers the Presentation Training can be enough to build up their charisma and credibility. For politics it should be something more. From their image, language skills depend how electioneering will end up. In this purpose politics have panels of experts that help them look good, be persuative, and make a good impressions that will bring them votes. Experts teach them also how to speak corerctly and how to use their bodies to look honest and smart. It can be very important for them to develop their use of voice and body language to be effective. Usually their speeches are specially written too.You can always make some adjustments to make yourself a better interlocutor. There are few things that awarness of will help you achieve this aim. First, you have to remember that a good communication is when a person who is speaking understands the same as the listener. Simple way of getting that is to rephrase the words of speaker and make sure you didn't misundertood him. Second, try to focus on things that you are good at which will help you be more self-confident and more positive. By changing your attitude your words also become more positive - affirmation and encouragement help get the best out of people. Third, be aware of assumptions and patterns you make that have impact on your communication. Sometimes our behavior depends on what we assumpt earlier and think about other person or ourselves that might not necessarily be true. Too many wrong assumptions is a quick way to misunderstanding. And for last, you don't always have to be right – sometimes it is better to let go. It's a good way to promote effective relationships. By giving up, you can let someone know that you understand his point of view.
