5 Email Based Marketing Tips
Online entrepreneurs rely heavily upon email based marketing for greater profits and to build their businesses rapidly. Your email marketing campaign is dependent upon you building a list and developing a relationship with the people on that list. Read more to discover 5 rock solid tips you can use immediately to develop a working and profitable relationship with your list members.
Most online entrepreneurs are aware that a top priority of any online business is to build a list of customer contact information to conduct an email based marketing campaign. On the internet this is one of the most effective ways of marketing your business.
Often times too much focus is placed on trying to attract customers to subscribe to our list. Commonly this results in not effectively managing neither our list nor our email marketing campaign. As the saying goes the money is in the list and there is much truth to that. Marketing your business to a group of customers who have already expressed an interest is a very cost effective way of doing business. Considering the effort and expense it takes to attract customers it seems foolish to not capitalize on having their contact information.
Here are 5 ground solid tips you can use immediately to help you better manage the customer contact information you already have.
Introduce Yourself
You want to immediately work on breeding some familiarity with the people on your list. You don not know them nor they you therefore you need to 'open up' a little bit much like just meeting a new acquaintance. Your intent is to promote to them so you want them to feel as comfortable with you as possible.
Easy Does It
Remember that all your communications will be via email therefore you can not allow yourself to get 'too comfortable' or personal with your list members. Even though you may have the very best intentions you could easily succeed in making them feel uncomfortable with not well thought out questions or comments. Keep it professional but on a casual basis.
Give 'Em' Space
Your contact frequency should not be so often that they groan when they see yet another email from you. Once again remember all it takes is just one push of the delete button and you are history.
Initially maintain a contact frequency of about every 3 or 4 days but after a week or two ease back to every 6 to 9 days. You have been invited into their email box when they opted in on your list. Do not wear out your welcome by 'showing up' too frequently.
Hold the Hype
Even if it is true people do not want to be opening emails that jump out at them going on about how 'great' something is. Personally if one more person tells me how they broke the code …………. Well I think you get the point.
When promoting anything,

sure use the proper trigger words and adjectives but 'ease into it' with the email recipient. The risk is too great and it is far too easy for them just to sent you to the spam folder so tone it down.
Present a Call to Action
When you are promoting something to your list be clear with them what you want them to do. If you want them to 'visit the next page' tell them exactly that and why they should. Leave nothing to chance but do remember being clear is NOT being pushy.
Online entrepreneurs rely heavily upon email based marketing to help accelerate the growth of their business. It is important as we build a list to manage it and our email marketing campaign effectively to maximize the profit potential. Learning to make more effective use of your time and efforts to develop a relationship with your list will be a key to your success. The 5 tips we discussed above are a guide that will hopefully help you to do just that!