Your email archives may seem like a digital graveyard of past conversations, but they could be a goldmine of untapped potential. Over time, your email folders may have become a repository of various types of messages you've sent and received. While you may have saved some of these messages to reduce clutter or conserve hard drive space, you might have been tempted to delete others. However, these old emails could hold more value than you realize. This article will shed new light on your email archives and help you extract more value from them.
As you sift through your archived emails, you might notice recurring questions about your products or services. For every prospect who took the time to email you a question, there are likely several others who had similar queries but didn't reach out. To save time and close more sales, consider compiling answers to these common questions into a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) web page or autoresponder. At the very least, you can reuse your responses to previous questions instead of crafting new ones each time.
Your email archives can also serve as a valuable resource for improving your ad copy. Unanswered questions, concerns, or sales objections can hinder a prospect's buying decision. By revisiting your old emails, you can identify these issues and refine your ad copy accordingly.
Your past email correspondence with prospects and customers can reveal their challenges, problems, and goals. These insights could spark ideas for new products and services that would appeal to your target market.
If you're searching for material for a new article, a quick scan through your old emails could yield several topic ideas and research material.
Your previous original writings could be repurposed into a new information product. Along with other original material you create, these writings can form the basis of a valuable info-product.
Remember those emails from customers who praised your product or service? If you haven't already, thank them for their kind words and ask for permission to use their testimonials in future marketing efforts. Most will likely grant permission.
Your email archives could contain potential networking or joint venture partners. Other internet entrepreneurs who market complementary products or services could be effective marketing partners. However, with so many potential partnerships, you'll need to be selective.
Sometimes, visitors may email you about usability issues on your site that you're unaware of. Such feedback can help you enhance your site's sales effectiveness by making it more user-friendly.
Before you purge your email program of old messages, consider the potential value they hold. By applying the suggestions above, you could uncover valuable "nuggets" that you've previously overlooked.
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