Features of Email Marketing Software
Spryka Email Charger is a powerful bulk email marketing application for Microsoft Windows. Its an Email newsletter software that manages a mailing list and sends mass newsletter emailings, without incurring any recurring fees or monthly charges.
In email marketing marketers provide information about their products and services by sending emails to large lists of email addresses. A large number of free and standard web mail services are available to send email for personal use. However,

if you want to launch an effective email marketing campaign on a large scale then email marketing software tools are necessary since web email and standard email tools don’t provide comprehensive features for marketers.
1. Automated management of email address lists is a useful feature of email marketing software tools. They allow people to add or remove themselves from your lists without your intervention. They may also scan out dead email addresses automatically from lists, which significantly reduce the number of “Mail Undeliverable” messages. You save time due to the automation of functions, thus allowing you to concentrate on the actual message.
2. When a person signs up to your email list, an automated welcome message is sent to him or her. This message is pre-created in your email marketing software.
3. You can track and generate reports on your sent email messages which will be helpful to bring necessary adjustments to your email campaign. How many emails have been sent? Which link is popular? What is the ratio of response of your readers? Who reads your message? Whether people click on your provided link or not? How many people have removed them from your email list?
4. You can optimize your email marketing campaign according to your requirements such as;
a. Your email messages should fulfill legal requirements.
b. Format your emails to make them easier and more understandable for your readers. You can add pictures and links to guide your readers. Email marketing software tools are designed to send pictures and rich text. Web mail and other free tools don’t provide these features.
c. It should notify that your email message has been delivered.
d. Your tool should be able to personalize email message to each of the email address.
5. All vendors provide support and advice to their clients to use their tool effectively and efficiently. This support and help can be obtained at a reasonable price. This price varies from tool to tool depending on the features your tool contains. There are many tools that can integrate with your CRM to launch your email campaign effectively.