How to Build a List People Pay to Join!
Since your internet business is based upon making a profit it makes sense to learn how to build a list and earn an income at the same time. Since the conversion rates for squeeze pages are typically low how about adding 'value' to your offer to help build a list even faster? Read on to see how by offering products visitors must pay for can help build your list faster while you profit at the same time!
Since your internet business is established to make a profit it only makes sense to discover how to build a list while earning an income at the same time. When marketing on the internet it is widely recommended to accumulate an email list of people who have already visited your site. Since the conversion rates for squeeze pages are typically low how about adding 'value' to your offer? By doing so you can not only increase your conversion rates which will increase by selling a nominally low priced product? In this way you will not only build a list faster but you can also get paid at the same time. In addition,

the quality of the folks who sign up will be higher insofar as being more targeted thereby making them more likely to make other purchases as well! Sound far fetched, well think again!
Let's examine the reasoning behind how selling an inexpensive product on your opt in page will increase your conversion rates helping you to build a list faster!
Offer Low Cost Product
Instead of the offer of a free gift on your squeeze pages try a very inexpensive product offer instead. In this way you will be making a small profit every time somebody opts into your email list of subscribers. By keeping the price very low it will not present a 'financial barrier' to anybody!
Price Places More 'Value' on Product
By placing a nominally low price on the product the perceived value goes up in the eyes of the visitor. Regarding your 'offer' to be of more value makes people more inclined to take action. With a product priced next to nothing people do not feel they have much if anything to lose. This will also give you an email list of people who have displayed the ability and willingness to take action. This is the type of person you will want to be promoting to thereby making your efforts more effective.
Takers More Targeted
Based upon their willingness to purchase your product these people have displayed their interest in the product type and/or market it represents. They have more clearly defined their interests to you and this is something you can capitalize on with future offers. In fact you may want to follow up with another offer in your first email being they have just made a purchase and may still be willing to take further action. Promote to them while they are still in the mood!
Discovering how to build a list that will also allow you to earn an income simultaneously makes terrific sense and can be very effective. Marketing on the internet requires time and effort therefore it is important to learn to be resourceful. Building squeeze pages that not only help you compile an email list of targeted buyers, but also pays you to do so, is about as efficient as you can get. The reasoning behind offering a low price product instead of a free giveaway to entice people to opt in, as discussed above, is a sound and profitable one. After all you are investing your time and effort so it only makes sense that you get paid to do so!