How to Customize Your Beloved WWE Action Figure

May 16


Meng Lee

Meng Lee

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Transforming your old WWE action figures into new, exciting versions of your favorite wrestling stars can be a fun and cost-effective hobby. This guide will walk you through the process of customizing your WWE action figures, providing detailed steps and tips to help you create unique and personalized figures.


The Popularity of WWE Action Figures

WWE action figures have been a staple in the lives of wrestling fans for decades. These figures allow fans to bring their favorite wrestling stars into their homes,How to Customize Your Beloved WWE Action Figure Articles creating their own matches and storylines. According to a report by NPD Group, the action figure market saw a 16% increase in sales in 2020, with WWE figures being a significant contributor to this growth (source: NPD Group).

Why Customize Your WWE Action Figures?

Customizing WWE action figures is a growing trend among fans. It allows you to:

  • Refresh old figures: Give new life to worn-out or outdated figures.
  • Save money: Create new figures without spending on new ones.
  • Express creativity: Design unique figures that reflect your personal style and preferences.

Materials Needed for Customization

Before you start, gather the following materials:

  • Old WWE action figures
  • Modeling clay or other synthetic materials
  • Blow dryer
  • Strong adhesive
  • Paints and brushes
  • Images of wrestlers and their costumes

Step-by-Step Guide to Customizing WWE Action Figures

Step 1: Plan Your Customization

Start by deciding which wrestler you want to create. Print out images of the wrestler and their costume for reference. This will help you visualize the final product and guide your customization process.

Step 2: Disassemble Old Figures

Use a blow dryer on the hottest setting to soften the joints of the old figures. Carefully remove the parts you need, such as heads, arms, and legs. Be cautious to avoid damaging the parts.

Step 3: Mix and Match Parts

Spread out all the parts in front of you. Select the parts that closely resemble the wrestler you want to create. For example, you might use the body of Shawn Michaels and the head of Goldberg. This mix-and-match approach allows for greater customization and creativity.

Step 4: Assemble the New Figure

Use a strong adhesive to attach the parts together. Ensure that all parts are firmly affixed to create a durable figure. You can use modeling clay to build on the frame and add details.

Step 5: Paint and Add Details

Once the figure is assembled, use paints and brushes to add details and bring the figure to life. Pay attention to the costume and facial features to make the figure as accurate as possible.

Step 6: Final Touches

After the paint has dried, add any final touches, such as accessories or additional details. This will enhance the overall look of your custom WWE action figure.

Interesting Stats About WWE Action Figures

  • Market Growth: The global action figure market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2021 to 2028, driven by the increasing popularity of collectibles and action figures (source: Grand View Research).
  • Collector's Value: Some rare WWE action figures can fetch high prices among collectors. For example, a 1989 Hulk Hogan figure recently sold for over $1,000 on eBay (source: eBay).


Customizing WWE action figures is a rewarding hobby that allows you to breathe new life into old toys and create unique collectibles. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can transform your old figures into new, exciting versions of your favorite wrestling stars. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a casual fan, customizing your WWE action figures is a fun and creative way to celebrate your love for wrestling.

For more information on WWE action figures and customization tips, check out WWE's official website and Toy News International.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to customizing WWE action figures, offering detailed steps and interesting statistics to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this creative hobby.