Do-It-Yourself Wind Power Guides – What to Look For

Feb 19


Mike Arnaki

Mike Arnaki

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Many people around the globe have started going green by building their own wind turbines to create electricity for their homes. It's actually a fairly easy and inexpensive project to undertake as long as you do plenty of research in advance.


If you have been searching the net for information about wind turbines you have undoubtedly seen dozens of Green Energy  websites.  The Green Energy niche market is at its peak right now.  With the green movement in full force there are dozens of websites selling guides that teach you how to build your own wind turbines.  These guides are directed at the Do-It-Yourself homeowner who wants to start producing their own electricity in order to cut their energy costs and to help the environment for our future generations.

In this article we are discussing websites which review these DIY Green Energy websites and the guides they are offering for sale.  These sites are known as review sites.  These sites have been produced by individuals who are known as affiliates.  Affiliates research a market,Do-It-Yourself  Wind Power Guides – What to Look For Articles such as Green Energy, and then promote the websites that they feel are the best in the market.  When you read one of these review sites you need to pay close attention to the source of the review.  Do some research to determine if the affiliate simply copied another website or if they actually researched the information they are promoting, built the products themselves and put their own time and money into insuring that the products were top notch.

A properly researched review site should be able to provide you with at least these minimum aspects about the products they are promoting.

  • Green Power - Obviously the main goal from any power generation project is to generate power. Did they test how much power each windmill could actually generate
  • Ease of Building - With a package that teaches how to convert a home, the material should be clearly laid out, and the components should be simple to build. 
  • Instructional Value - From the above criteria they should give higher ratings to those learning packages that teach how to go green with ease. The best packages have everything clearly explained, drawn blueprints, and are further explained with how-to videos.
  • Cost Involved - The main reason people choose to convert their home themselves is to save money. They should give much higher ratings to the packages that teach how to find parts for less.
  • Availability of Parts - Some of the learning packages now days recommend parts that aren't available. They should give higher marks to those that use parts that are available to anyone (such as at your local hardware store)
  • Time Involved - How long does it take to build each component. This has a lot to do with how well the material is explained.
  • Overall Rating - From the above factors they should give each package an overall rating.

You will find many of these “review sites” on the web today.  The Green Energy market is highly reviewed because it is a market that most Americans are thinking about now days.  Therefore there are plenty of review sites for you to review before making you choice.  Once you find one that looks authentic and realistic by all means do your research on it and then take their recommendations on how to get started going green with wind power.

In short, if you are interested in converting your home over to renewable energy, is a great place to start.  They have done it right.  At the bare minimum they will give you the information you need to do your own research and decide which Green Energy Guideis best for you.