After a number of years of blissfully putting our pictures in albums with plastic pages, we're now finding that the pictures, over a period of years, are being damaged by something in the plastic called polyvinyl chlorides, or PVCs. These chemicals leech the colors . .
After a number of years of blissfully putting our pictures in albums with plastic pages, we're now finding that the pictures, over a period of years, are being damaged by something in the plastic called polyvinyl chlorides, or PVCs. These chemicals drain the colors from the photos over the years, which is really tragic, since many of the pictures we have in albums stashed away all over our homes are unable to be replaced with an on-file negative. Sure, they can be taken to a camera store, and restored one by one, but the cost for that would become outrageous very quickly.So, what can be done? There are several routes to take, but both require quick action. One is to move them to photo albums which verify that their pages are photo safe, while the other is to look for photo albums which have paper pages.
One of the best places to ensure that you have what will be safe for your pictures for years to come is an eco-friendly photo album, and some of the best to be found can be bought at, where you will find more than 80 different designs, each available in small, medium and large sizes. Here, instead of pages with PVCs present, you'll find organic photo albums with the paper pages recommended above.
You'll also find many other positive features. The best way to find out is to click one of the links above, and stop in for a visit. We think you'll like what you see--quality workmanship at a very reasonable price. To top it off, any order at or above $75 get the shipping and handling paid by us.
What is an All-Natural Photo Album?
The way I see it, an all-natural photo album would need to be assembled without the use of assembly line parts. They would need to be used as they are found in nature. It might also be good for them to not be assembled with the use of machines.Give the Gift of
As this article is being written, we're personally on the verge of the Christmas season, but commercially, it's already in full swing. However, you may read this six months from now, but at that time, it might very well be near a birthday or anniversary, or just after a wonderful vacation, so you could give yourself a gift in which to put your huge stack of pictures.How Individuals Can Help Combat Global Warming
For the past 10 years or more we've been hearing lots about something called Global Warming. For some, it's come to be a clarion call for all that needs to change in the way we do things here on earth, i.e., that we're responsible. Others, however, say it happened in the past, and it will happen again in the future. It's just the ebb and flow of the planet, and we as humans had nothing to do with it.