Since every penny counts these days, saving money whenever possible should be a top priority. There are a lot of costs that are out of your control, but reducing energy consumption is something that can be easily done by following the tips below:
Tip 1. Reducing electric consumption is as simple as using it only when needed. Turning off lights that aren't in use can work wonders on your electric bill. If you just need a soft light, candles can also be a useful tool, instead of clicking on a light switch.
Tip 2. Using lower wattage bulbs in areas that don't need as much lighting is another way of reducing your electric bill. Using bulbs labeled "energy saver" will also cut costs as well.
Tip 3. Unplugging appliances that are not in use for extended periods of time will also lend a "hand" at saving on your electric bill.
Tip 4. When utilizing electric heaters and air conditioners, set temperatures so that they will come on only when necessary. These appliances have controls where you can regulate the amount of energy being used. In winter months, it is a good idea to use heavy drapes to cover windows to reduce the drafts that often find their way into your home. Taping plastic around your windows will also keep out unwanted drafts as well. In the summer months, it's a good idea to close blinds and/or pull shades to keep out the sun-light. Heat from the sun will heat up your home, triggering your air conditioner to come on. Speaking of air conditioners, make sure you remove them from your windows when they are no longer in use.
Tip 5. If you're like most households with computers, your computer is in heavy use. Setting your computer to "sleep" or "hibernate" is a way to control the amount of energy being used. Monitoring computer use by children will also reduce energy consumption.
Tip 6. Other appliances that can use high volumes of energy are your washing machine and dryer. Hot water consumption can send your electric and gas bills through the roof. Using cold water whenever possible will cut down on energy costs, tremendously. Buying detergents specifically for cold water use will ensure that your clothes still get clean. Limiting the use of your dryer by air drying, whenever possible, will also make a difference in your utility bill. Hanging clothes out to dry in the summer time is a thing of the past, but when it comes to saving on energy costs, bringing back the past can be beneficial.
Tip 7. Still on the subject of hot water usage, taking quick showers or opting to bathe instead of watching the water and your pennies go right down the drain can also reduce energy consumption.
These are just a handful of tips to help reduce your energy consumption, and deciding to implement them will decrease your energy bills for sure. These tips work whether you are trying reduce your home energy consumption.
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