If everyone would maintain their stormwater devices we would see a huge reduction in the amount of pollution that ends up in our lakes, rivers and oceans.
One of the largest sources of pollution for our waters is, more than likely, stormwater and urban runoff. Based on Federal and State statutes including Section 402(p) of the Clean Water Act, cities are requiring point source discharges of pollutants into waters of the US be regulated by a NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit.
Cities throughout California are sending out NPDES Inspectors to business owners of manufacturing and industrial facilities, distribution centers, restaurants, vehicle repair and gas stations to enforce compliance to the State Permit. Many owners are now being required to show proof that they are maintaining their storm drains on a regular basis. Some have begun receiving letters from City Stormwater Coordinators and face the possibility of stiff fines for non-compliance. Unfortunately, many business owners are not aware of EPA Stormwater regulations or where to go for help to meet the strict requirements.
Frustrated business owners and property managers will be glad to know that help is available. There are companies well equipped to provide NPDES compliance assistance. These owners would want to contract with a full-service storm drain maintenance company that can handle vactor services and is also capable of installing and maintaining a variety of storm drain filters. When selecting a storm drain maintenance company that will help owners meet the strict stormwater regulations, the following is recommended:
In addition a solid storm water maintenance company should have the following capabilities:
- Vacuum Truck service
- Catch basin and curb inlet maintenance
- Clarifier, detention basin, and storm water vault maintenance
- Oil/water separator and grease interceptor maintenance
- SWPPP preparation and implementation
- Erosion control and construction dewatering
In conclusion, enough cannot be said about knowing the rules. It is apparent that keeping on top of the stringent stormwater regulations is becoming more critical. Business owners and property managers need to know this is very serious business and that non-compliance can ultimately require them to pay stiff fines. More importantly, we need to stop polluted rainwater from reaching our oceans and watersheds. It is our collective responsibility to maintain the future of our waters.
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