Yards should be raked to remove debris. If necessary, hose down the yard and apply builder's lime with caution. Wet down the lime and always follow the safety advice on labels.
To avoid mosquitoes breeding, remove water-logged rubbish, empty out pot plant bases and try to encourage drainage from your yard.
Bore water
If you use bore water for domestic purposes and believe the bore has been contaminated, NSW Health recommends that you use an alternative source (bottled water or rainwater) or bring the bore water to a rolling boil before use.
The process required to treat a contaminated bore depends on factors such as its depth. If you are uncertain of what to do, contact your local public health unit.
If you have ongoing concerns about the quality of your bore water, please contact your local public health unit.
On-site Sewage Management Facilities
There are two main types of on-site sewage management facilities:
1. Septic Tank System
Septic systems often do not function during flooding or when the soil is very wet. A flooded septic system may cause a sewage back-up and surcharge in the home and a lack of sanitation until the system is working properly. Septic tanks may need to be pumped out. The soil and surrounding areas need time to dry out.
Flooded septic tanks may have been filled with silt. An inspection should be made through the inspection openings using a dipstick. If solids or silt fill more that 1/3 of the vessel then it should be pumped out by a council-authorised sludge removal tanker.
The land application area serving the septic tank will not absorb any effluent until it has dried out and the water table is below the bottom of the absorption trench. Until this happens only essential toilet waste should be discharged to the septic tank.
If you suspect your septic tank vessel or pipe junctions are damaged, have them professionally inspected and/or serviced.
2. Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS)
The AWTS should not be used if it has been inundated with floodwater. Isolate the electrical connection and call the service technician immediately. Alternative sewage management facilities and methodologies should be employed.
For advice on other types of sewage management facilities contact should be made with the manufacturer or distributor.
Vegetable gardens
Floodwater may have contaminated your vegetable or herb garden. Some garden produce may be salvaged. Disinfecting, peeling and cooking is recommended to prevent food borne illness.
For more discussion of this topic, check the links below:
flooded, flood, flood northshore
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