If you are one of the millions of parents who receive sporadic child support ... here are three ... you can use to improve the untimely receipt of child support ... These st
If you are one of the millions of parents who receive sporadic child support payments, here are three strategies you can use to improve the untimely receipt of child support payments.
Caution: These strategies will not work for everyone, but remember nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
1. If you are to receive child support payments, insist the paying parent buy a life insurance policy covering the term of the payments, naming you as the owner and beneficiary. Your “ex” will be unable to change the beneficiary without your agreement. Try to have this court ordered at the time the child support order is established.
2. Take action if delinquent parents are consistently late or refuse to pay child support altogether. You may need an attorney or intervention from your local child support enforcement agency.
A measure you may want to take before seeking legal assistance is offering to renegotiate the amount of the child support order. This may sound unfair, even unheard of, but understand that if the amount set by the court does not realistically allow the paying parent to maintain a decent standard of living, the parent is more opt to stop working or leave the state. The question you must ask: Is it better to receive a slightly less amount consistently or a larger amount inconsistently or not at all. You and the paying parent are the only ones who will know if this option would work.
3. Allow the paying parent to use a variety of methods to pay child support. Child support for some parents is more than money. It may be food, clothing, recreational activities, daycare. If the paying parent is willing to provide pre-paid credit cards, gift cards from movie theaters, clothing stores, grocery stores, gas stations etc. all of these items provided, in addition to the court-ordered child support may assist in reducing arrears or assisting when the child support payments have been reduced.
Both parents should understand that together it is their responsibility to care for the well-being of their child, and both are responsible for keeping a record of all contributions made above and beyond the court-ordered child support payments. Court ordered child support payments are only necessary when one or both parents refuse to take responsibility for the financial welfare of their child. So…do the right thing.
There is no magic solution to getting issues ... child support ... Most parents know that when dealing with the ... tied to the child support system ... ... per5 Ways to Profit From No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (No Child Left Behind) is designed to reform and improve student ... and change the culture of ... schools. ... to this reform act each state m