3 Less Known Game Tables that are a Lot of Fun
There are a lot of fun game tables available on the market today. Many games are quite well known and popular, so let's take a look at three lesser known games that your family might enjoy.
If you have a large enough home to have an open basement or large family room,

and if you have kids or regularly have guests, then you may be in the market for some game tables. For a family, game tables are a great way to encourage activity and interaction between family members and friends. There is a large variety of available game tables on the market today, so there is virtually something for everybody.
The more popular, active games include foosball, air hockey and table tennis. A favorite past time for people of any age is pool, partially because it has been around for a long time, but also because a large variety of different games can be played on a pool table. Other types of game tables are more sedate, such as poker tables, or tables with built in game boards, such as chess, checkers and back gammon. Many of these types tables (especially antiques ones) have beautiful inlay tops that can be removed to reveal the game board. These tables also usually have drawers to store the game pieces. Besides all these types of game tables, there are three types of games that are not as common in a family game room, but that you family may really enjoy. Let's take a look at these three less common games.
- Basketball - this active game does not have to be just confined to the court, there is an indoor version as well, one that is often seen at arcades, but is also great in a family game room. After all, basketball is very popular among kids and adults alike. The basketball game has a hoop (or two for more competitive play), netting along the sides to contain the balls, and a trough for the balls to land in and roll back to the shooter. This game is can be enjoyed year round, but is especially great in the winter time when bad weather and short days keep people inside more.
- Dome Hockey - Let's face it, when air hockey was invented in the early 1970's, it was an instant success. But there is another version of table top hockey that is not as well known, but still a lot of fun to play. It is dome hockey. The best way to describe this game, is think of foosball for soccer, and now think of a similar game for hockey. The table is relatively small and the field is covered by a plastic dome. On the table top are small hockey players that are controlled by rods that stick out of the side of the table, just like in foosball. Each side controls 6 miniature hockey players: a goalie, two defensive and three offensive players. If you like air hockey or foosball game tables, you may really enjoy this one as well.
- Shuffleboard - When I think shuffle board, I think of elderly people playing the full sized version on board a cruise ship. The goal is the same, to send pucks gliding down the the field trying to get them to stop within marked scoring zones at the other end of the table. You use your hands to propel the puck. Though you can find shuffle board game tables that are as long as 22', the 9' version is more common for home use. This game can be a lot of fun, taking both skill and strategy to truly master game play.
As you shop around for games for your home, make sure you check out these less known home games. They are a lot of fun and can add some great variation to the standard game tables found in many homes.