4 Items A Parent Should Include In A College Gift Basket
Your child has entered into college and no doubt they are feeling the stress of college life as they get adjusted to their new surroundings. As a pare...
Your child has entered into college and no doubt they are feeling the stress of college life as they get adjusted to their new surroundings. As a parent you feel helpless because you are not there to help them adapt and wonder what you can do to help ease your child with this transition. Although it may not seem like it,

there is a simple solution to this dilemma and it will make you and your child feel much better about the changes that are taking place. This solution comes in a basket and is know as the college care package.
With a little creative thinking, you can deliver your child a care package that will cheer them up and let then know that you are there and care for them. Some ideas for fun and creative care packages include:
1. Simple toys from childhood:
These can provide a fun, quick, creative break for your student and their friends. Toys such as play doh, jacks and even old maid cards can create a night full of fun and laughter for your child away at college
2. Small items on topics your child loves:
If your son or daughter appreciates music add in some magazines on the music business and even perhaps a gift card for them to purchase music online. If your student takes pleasure in tv and films, send a few gossip magazines and a membership to Netflix or Hulu Plus. These items will mean a lot to your child and supply them with a needed excuse to take a little break and enjoy themselves.
3. Tasty treats
An always a welcomed addition to any care package. Cookies, brownies and other baked good items from home are great items to place in your basket. Put each baked good in a Ziploc bag and send them on there way. You child will love receiving this baked treats from home and will want to share with friends so make sure to always include a few extra.
4. Show the love:
Display the love you have for you child by including a few hand-written notes of support from a number of loved ones, such as grandparents and brothers and sisters. These letters are going to do amazing things for your student's mental and emotional well being. Modest tokens from home such as a framed picture of your family together during vacation, can cheer your student up long after the other basket items have been depleted or forgotten about.
On the whole, the more items that your child can personally connect with in the basket, the better they're going to feel about being far from home. Knowing this gift basket is going to help your son or daughter will also put your mind at ease and enable you to sleep a little better at night.