5 Things to Consider when Shopping for Sleeper Sofas
Before you go shopping for sleeper sofas, here are 5 things that you should consider before you set foot in a store. They will help you save time and money and increase your chances of finding the perfect sofa bed for your home.
When shopping for any type of furniture,

there are many things that you need to consider as a consumer, and this especially applies to sleeper sofas. It is a major purchase, and one that you have to live with for many years. You want a sofa bed that is comfortable and will last a long time. Sure, you could just go to a couple of furniture stores and try out all the sleeper sofas on the floor, but it is better to have a planned out approach. Here are five things to think about before and when you go to the furniture store.
- Look at size and style. Like all couches, sleeper sofas come in a variety of sizes, the bed sizes range from single (more like a sleeper love seat) to double or a queen size bed, which equals a two or three cushioned sofa. Generally speaking, a twin sofa bed ranges from 4'0" to 5'4", a full size ranges from 5'2" to 7'6" and a queen size sofa beds range from 5'8" to 8'5". Take good measurements so that you know what will fit, remembering to take into consideration doorways and heating vents.
There are also a lot of styles available, from the traditional pull-out sofa beds to the click-clack style which has made an improved come back from the 1950's. Futons, for all intense purposes, is another style to consider.
- Consider the fabrics and what you need. Most people want durable fabrics, so one thing to check for is a tight weave. A printed cotton will cost less then a woven tapestry, but it is less durable. Microsuede is popular today, it is fairly durable and easy to clean, plus it looks good and seems to last. Though it costs more, Leather is always a great choice, and on average lasts 3-4 times longer than fabric. Most modern fabrics are easy to clean too, they just need a regular vacuuming. Most spots need to be treated quickly with water and a general cleaner, unless it is leather in which you usually just need to wipe up the spill.
- Try out the mattress. Since your sofa is going to be used as a bed, please check out the mattress of any potential purchases, either in person or through online review forums. Mattresses greatly vary in quality and comfort. Generally a more comfortable mattress will be thicker and are innerspring, but there are some very comfortable memory foam mattress on the market today also, so make sure to do your research.
- Be familiar with the different brands available. There are obviously the furniture brands that have been around a long time, but there are also a lot of quality brands that are newer that you may have not heard of that you should consider. How do you discover those brands? Use the internet. Google sleeper sofas, check out any of the commercial web sites and see what brands they offer. Then do a search for those brands, go to their company web sites and read a bit about them. This way you can learn about the different brands before you go to a store.
- How much do you want to spend? Generally speaking, higher quality sleeper sofas cost more than those of inferior quality. So decide what your top three styles are, your top choices of fabric, what brands you like, and then go shopping.
If you take these 5 points into consideration before you go to the store, and while you are out shopping, you will save time, money and will find some sleeper sofas are created equal!