Did you know that jog strollers provide you with a way to get the healthy exercise you need while treating your little one to an exciting outing?It’s ...
Did you know that jog strollers provide you with a way to get the healthy exercise you need while treating your little one to an exciting outing?
It’s true!
Baby joggers offer the ideal solution to the problem of carving out enough time for your physical fitness without having to leave your baby at a day nursery.
You aren’t out the expense of joining a gym or health club,

nor do you have to pay for child care. How much more perfect could it get?
In case you’re unfamiliar with stroller joggers and how they differ from regular pram strollers, read on.
5 Key Points About Jog Strollers
1. Baby joggers were designed and developed to allow a parent to get out and jog while baby rides in security and comfort. They’re specially built for this purpose and have features not found in an ordinary stroller for baby.
2. If you have more than one child or twins, you can buy double strollers or even triple strollers that let you take all of your little passengers along while you jog.
3. Jog strollers come with all sorts of bells and whistles such as snack/toy trays, beverage holders for both you and Baby, storage compartments for diaper bags and your purse, detachable rain covers or netting to screen from insects, even special key holders or iPod docks and speakers!
4. The best strollers for jogging with your kids have important features for safety, ease of use, and durability, such as:
Five Point Safety Harness
Aluminum Frames
Large Pneumatic Tires and Wheels
Front Hand Brakes
Trays for Snacks, Beverages or Toys
Storage Compartments
Folding Sun Canopies
Reclining Seats
Alloy Hubs
Shock Absorption
Easy to Collapse for Travel
5. Stroller joggers come in a wide range of prices and you should buy the best stroller you can afford. Cheaper strollers are not, as a rule, as well made or durable as lower priced models. Nor do they offer the safety and comfort features that are so critically important for your child, or the ease of use that you will need in pushing and guiding the stroller. Cheaper baby joggers usually have steel construction instead of aluminum alloy, which not only makes them much heavier and harder to manipulate and use, but also makes them prone to rust.
A jog stroller can provide you with a means of getting the exercise your body needs to be fit and healthy, and will also give your little one hours of pleasure during outings!
Many parents think that jog strollers are one of the best inventions of modern times!
So, if you want to lose that “baby” fat you packed on while you were preggers, or just want to work on your overall wellness and fitness…..and get your baby out into the fresh air and sunshine and a world where everything is brand new and exciting to young eyes---get a jog stroller or bicycle trailer!