Getting rid of clutter never got so easy. 7 easy tips to get rid of clutter this fall and effortlessly getting ready for winter at the same time.
If I were to write lyrics to the song "These Are My Favorite Things" I would write--walking down the street hearing the crunch of leaves under my feet on a cool beautiful fall day. I also like the way the sun filters through the leaves that are still on the trees in the fall. And it is nice to be able to sit on the porch and enjoy the last flowers of summer and the cooler weather.
Getting rid of clutter is another thing I like about fall. Summer is the time we are busy working in the yard, vacationing, spending extra time with the kids, traveling and hopefully taking some time to be a little lazy. With the changing of the seasons it is time to make some changes around our home to get ready for winter.
7 Tips for getting rid of clutter and getting ready for winter.
1. Gardening time will soon be put to rest for the next few months so it is time to round up all the gardening tools. Take the time to clean the rakes, hoes and other vegetable and flower gardening tools. Organize them in the garage by putting the smaller tools in containers and hanging up the longer ones that can fit on the garage wall. This gets them out of the way and keeping them all in one area makes it easy to find them next year when you want them.
2. Along with getting rid of clutter this is a great time to check your smoke alarms if you didn't do it when the kids went back to school. The furnace man came to check our furnace and he strongly encouraged me to get a carbon monoxide alarm also. He said we can see and smell smoke but carbon monoxide has no smell and it can't be seen.
3. If you don't have fire escape plans have a family night and make a plan. Let one of the kids draw a map and post it inside the kids' closet door so they can memorize what their route would be in case of fire. Color coding the route would be helpful. Practice the route once a month until everyone has it down pat and then review it every 4 months after that.
4. Take a look in your garage and your shed and get rid of the clutter that has started to live there. We all get in a hurry and we put things on a shelf or bench and we tell ourselves we'll put it away in a minute but we don't. That minute is up and it is time to put those items away.
5. Getting rid of clutter includes tossing the old outdoor furniture that is broken and you can't fix. Or donating them if you just don't like them anymore or don't have a use for them. Keeping them around just creates clutter.
6. With colder weather coming it is time to get your cold weather clothes out of storage. Put mittens, hats, and scarves in a basket where they are within easy reach to both get out and to put back. The easier it is to put them back the less likely they will end up on the floor. Another convenient place for hats and gloves is an over the door organizer used for shoes. This can be placed inside a closet or on the back of the mud room door.
7. Getting rid of clutter in your closet is easy. As you get out your winter clothes try them on and if they don't fit, donate them to someone who can use them now. When you lose those few pounds you can buy new ones for your new figure. Also check each item to see if they need mending and don't put them back in your closet unless it is something you can wear when you take it out of the closet.
Winter is on its way and fall time is a great time for getting rid of clutter both inside and outside our homes.
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