Allowing your child to build a sense of competence in the early years will help them succeed. Also, by allowing your child to fail allows them to learn the things they need to learn as an infant. Here are some milestones during the seventh month that you should be looking for.
It’s been another wonderful month with my son. Each month I see him increasing his desire for independence. There is already an instinctive attitude of “I can do it!” With this attitude comes frustration, perseverance, and ultimately a sense of growing competence. Allowing him to go through the times of frustration helps to build the perseverance, which is all worth it when I see that look of “I did it!” Many of the milestones written to him below are a direct result of allowing him to fail, persevere (with or without a little support), and succeed.
It can be very difficult to watch a child struggle with something, and not just step in and do it for him/her. I often watch my son try to eat a Cheerio, and I just want to grab it and put it in his mouth for him. I watch him scooting, and I can tell where he is trying to go – I want to pick him up and move him there, but I resist. I let him try, I let him fail, but I’m always ready to support him to ensure that he’ll be successful. It’s from very early on that infants learn to persevere through their failures to come out ahead. There is a tough balance, though, between overcompensating and under-compensating – especially if you have a child with special needs. If you do too much for your child (overcompensating), perseverance will not be established, and a desire to try new things will seldom occur. If you don’t offer enough support (under-compensating), a constant feeling of incompetence will be built, ending with the same result. The RDIÒ program helps to find that right balance, giving your child the necessary amount of support to become confident with an increased desire to try new things. Through RDIÒ, we can help you help your child fail successfully!
Raising Responsible and Respectable Children
There are many ways in which to raise a child to be responsible and respectable. If you allow yourself as a parent to remain calm, determine consequences, offer choices, and remain consistent then you’re on your way to doing great things.A Journey Through Infant Development: One Year!
A lot of foundational milestones are met along the neurotypical pathway of development. There is a lot of growth and changing a child does during their first year of life. It is difficult if some of these foundations are not met or a child has difficulties with some of them during this time. There are a lot of key things to be looking for while your child grows.A Journey Through Infant Development: The Eleventh Month
As children develop they become more adventurous and challenging. They want more new things in their lives. For children who are not developing neurotypically this can be overwhelming for them and they will need more support for these new things in their lives.