Advice for First Time Pregnancy
First time pregnancy is a time of great joy as well as a time for great apprehension. A new mother to be goes through a whole host of body and hormona...
First time pregnancy is a time of great joy as well as a time for great apprehension. A new mother to be goes through a whole host of body and hormonal changes which reflect upon her behavioral pattern. First time pregnancy advice will come in good stead for every expectant new mother. She can take guidance from her mother and relatives along with friends and acquaintances who have gone through this stage themselves. Also it is important to follow the doctor’s advice at all counts without missing out on anything. Similarly follow ups with the medical authority is important in the same way. A doctor is the best person to understand the various body changes and offer good advice and medical cover to take care of different complications which may arise.Here is some basic advice for the mother’s to be:-* Avoid medications - Pregnant ladies should avoid taking over the counter medicines at the drop of the hat. Only the doctor’s prescription should be followed in case of emergencies. This is important because many over the counter drugs may affect the health of the growing baby in a negative manner and do more damage instead of any good.* Diet - The right diet is necessary for the optimum health of the mother and the baby. Drinks such as carbonated drinks as well as alcoholic beverages should be avoided at all costs. Similarly all kinds of processed food containing preservatives and excess salt is not good for the health as also spicy and acidic food material which includes even some fruits. The rule is to see what you eat and go for completely healthy and freshly cooked meal only.* Fluids - A pregnant woman requires a lot of fluids to take care of the body metabolism in the best possible manner. A minimum of 10-12 glasses of water along with a variety of healthy fluids will take care of the needs of the body. Do not drink lot of water at one go,
it is better to take small sips on a continued basis throughout the day for better results.* Rest - Another first time pregnancy advice for the pregnant woman would be that she should sleep at least eight to ten hours soundlessly and take rest whenever possible.Bask in the glory of impending motherhood and pass your time in joyous anticipation by taking some of this first time pregnancy advice which will go a long way in ensuring your perfect health as well as that of the baby.