Baby Girl Conceive Myths - Debunked!

Nov 7


anita bern

anita bern

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Have you ever been in a situation to ask (yourself, or someone supposedly knowledgable): 'How can I tell from early signs of pregnancy if it's a girl?', or anything along the lines of 'Is it true that I am having a baby girl if: my belly looks like a giant watermelon/I'm having terrible acne outbreaks/sooo craving sweets' etc.


Have you ever been in a situation to ask (yourself,Baby Girl Conceive Myths - Debunked! Articles or someone supposedly knowledgable): 'How can I tell from early signs of pregnancy if it's a girl?', or anything along the lines of 'Is it true that I am having a baby girl if: my belly looks like a giant watermelon/I'm having terrible acne outbreaks/sooo craving sweets' etc.

In that case, you must have noticed that there are a lot of so called old wives' tales concerning baby gender, and an equally large body of rumors floating around - all claiming that can help you find out if you're carrying a so much wanted baby girl.

From looking at the shape of a pregnant woman's stomach, to swinging a wedding ring above it to predict if baby is a girl or a boy, all these 'techniques' of guessing your baby's gender are originating from various historic myths belonging to various cultures.

Some say it works, some say it don't:) I'd say you use it if you have nothing against being surprised when the child eventually gets born...

But, let's hear what scientist have to say about do-it-yourself baby gender natural selection techniques.

One of the most widespread myths is that if you're carrying a baby 'low' means you will have a girl. Scientists say that there are a lot of factors that determine how you'll be carrying, most notably the age of the unborn baby and his position in the uterus; if the mother is carrying 'high' or 'low' also depends on her body type: short waisted woman will look different when pregnant than a long waisted.

According to scientists, whether you're carrying 'high' or 'low' got nothing to do with the gender of your unborn baby.

Another widespread method of guessing your baby sex is... well... looking at your pee:) If your urine is of a dull color, it's a girl; if it's a bright color, it's a boy.

Scientists say that color of a pregnant woman's urine has to do with only one thing: her water intake. The more water you drink, the lighter colored your urine will be, and vice versa.

Some say that if your body hair grows slower since you got pregnant, it's a sign that you're having a baby girl. On the contrary, if you're carrying a baby boy, your body hair tends to grow much faster.

The rationale here being that hormones from baby in your stomach affect the grow of your body hair - and the scientist denying that logic entirely...

Is it true that if you're craving sweet foods during pregnancy, you're going to have a girl?

Scientist can't say what causes pregnant woman to crave one food or another, but don't think it has anything to do with the sex of baby they're carrying...

Ah, scientists are ruining all the fun;)

They even suggest that gold ring method needs a reality check... If you haven't heard about this method of guessing your baby's sex, let me enlighten you;) You suspend a ring from a string over a pregnant woman's belly and observe its movements: if it's moving in circles - it's a girl, and if it swings back and forth - it's a boy.

Scientists will, unimaginatively, simply state that there's nothing about the gender of a baby that can influence gravity...:)