Baby ... and Carriers for New ... about to have your first baby? ... You are about to embark on one of the greatest moments in Life. I remember having our first child. Wh
Baby Strollers and Carriers for New ParentsJust about to have your first baby? Congratulations!!! You are about to embark on one of the greatest moments in Life. I remember having our first child. What a fantastic experience. The fun of the anticipation leading up to the birth was like Christmas eve for a four year old!The part of having you baby that can be a bit overwhelming is the preparation period. Especially for first time parents. You have the nursery to decorate,
a crib to buy, clothes, formula, bottles, bottle sterilizers, bibs, diapers, a diaper Genie, bouncers, toys, blankets, and of course a carrier and stroller so you can actually leave home again! Whew!!!!I'm just going to focus on strollers and carriers because without them, you are just about stuck at home for 3 years.
An Array of Products Available For Today's BabyWith out first child, we wanted everything to be perfect. (Since then, I have discovered that we were not alone). So when shopping for that first stroller, we had little experience at what was a good choice. Our shopping methods revolved around safety and comfort for the baby (which is important). We looked at a lot of strollers and eventually purchased the "Cadillac" stroller that had a long sturdy frame, extra soft wheels (for added comfort) and a seat that looked like a miniature Lazy Boy recliner! It had a ton of extras! unfortunately for us, we didn't think past the stroller itself.Things like... one of us would actually have to lift this heavy thing out of the trunk and unfold it and its many components EVERY time we went out with the baby! The thing must have weighted sixty pounds!The other half of the formula we missed was the fact that every time we went some where, we had to unbuckle junior from the car seat (a five point harness mind you) and carefully and gently lift him from car seat firmly fastened in the back seat and place him gingerly in the stroller seat, then buckle him in there. Only to return from a fifteen minute stroll through the drug store to go through this routine once again! Let's hope it wasn't raining!!!After about four months of this self inflicted, back straining, time consuming regimen, we both agreed that we needed a more practical, but still comfortable stroller.
We Discovered the Experienced Parents Secret Weapon for Easy TravelAfter four months of being the new parents with the "we'll do it our way, thank you" attitude, we talked with some friends that had kids. We watched parents that had figured out the secret weapon for quick and easy travel with a newborn. Travel systems! I wish I could meet the person that invented these gems - I would thank them for their fine contribution in life.The baby carrier/stroller combination has to be the most ingenious invention since the automobile! Don't believe me? Try the routine I described above for just two weeks and you'll agree.These strollers have a baby carrier that attaches to the frame with the baby facing you, the more practical way - especially in the first six months. The carrier detaches with a simple tug on a latch handle that locks the carrier to the stroller.A car seat base that comes with the travel system is securely attached to the back seat in the car by the seatbelt. You simple "snap" the carrier into the base with one click and you are ready to go! This is especially great when your little one is sound asleep and you don't want to have to wake her up as you move her back and forth from the car seat to the stroller.
Safety Is Always an IssueThese travel systems are built with strict standards to insure that your baby is safe and secure, while giving you a lightweight and fast way to move from the house to the car, the car to the store and back again. Always be sure that your carrier is securely fastened and be certain that you only buy a rear facing carrier/car seat for an infant. Many new designs are reversible to let your newborn "grow into" your new investment.
Design is Another Important AreaOf course as you decide on your travel accessories, you want to look closely at how easily the stroller folds up and unfolds. Pick it up a few times to be sure it isn't going to be too heavy for you to pull out of a trunk. And you'll want to choose one that looks cool too. But definitely choose portability and convenience over looks. Trust me on this one ;)
The Cost FactorAs a first time parent myself, I know that money can be tight. One thing you will want to think hard about is the safety of your most prized possession. There are things in life that you cannot put a price on. Your child's safety is one of them. I'm not suggesting that you overspend, but definitely don't cut corners on equipment that you will use for transporting you child on a daily basis. The aggravation of cheap equipment isn't worth the few dollars saved.
Look No Further - Online Shopping For Your Baby NeedsKeep in mind as you start to look for
baby strollers and carriers, you now have the ability to shop the planet for the best items for your baby! As ecommerce gains speed, literally millions of items are purchased and shipped to buyers front doors every day! Hey, you don't even need to get out of your pajamas to research and shop for the best baby products available. Best of luck with your new family member and be sure to get the travel system that makes sense for you!