Breastfeeding a Newborn Baby
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One of the first steps of newborn care is breastfeeding the newborn baby. Not only does newborn care help in providing the right amount of nutrition supply to the baby,

it promises a healthy future free of medical complications for the mother as well as the baby. Breastfeeding as part of neonatal care is quintessential for it has benefits for the mother and the baby. If you are overwhelmed by the pile of chores that build up with the birth of the newborn baby and baffled about whether you can feed your baby with a bottle, the American Academy of Paediatrics will perhaps help you come to decision. According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, a mother should strictly ensure that she feeds her baby with her breasts exclusively for the first year after birth. If you find breastfeeding painful or uncomfortable, ask your paediatrician if it is right to exclude exclusive breastfeeding from the newborn care schedule for a while or check for an alternative.Breastfeeding a newborn has innumerable benefits and the most important one of them is protecting the baby from various diseases, especially diarrhoea, which is a most common disease in newborn babies. According to several studies on the benefits of breastfeeding in newborn babies have suggested that breastfed babies have a much lesser risk of developing medical problems such as asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, allergies etc compared with bottle fed babies. Breastfeeding is also known to reduce the probability of childhood obesity.Breastfeeding does not limit its virtues only for the baby but also has favourable impact on the mother. For instance, the process of producing and feeding milk burns calories and can therefore; help a woman lose all the fat that she pulled through pregnancy term. Breastfeeding also helps a woman’s uterus to shrink and therefore, make way for another baby to grow. A nursing woman develops a reduced risk of ovarian and breast cancer. Most women prefer breastfeeding over other options because it does not require preparation and there is no scope of there being no milk in the middle of the night. Besides, breastfeeding is quicker. How to a newborn baby?Mid-wives and nurses at the hospital teach new mothers how to breastfeed with their comfort as well as that of the baby being weighed more than a favourable position. In fact, the best position to breastfeed is one that keeps both of you comfortable without disrupting the flow of milk from your breasts to the baby. A position that is most commonly used by nursing mothers is holding the baby in a cradle-like position while sitting on a comfortable chair or bed.