Do you stop to think about how powerful the words are that you speak everyday to people? Words can tear down or build up. Children are so vulnerable to words spoken to them and need constant affirming, truthful words to be spoken to them.
We use words everyday to express our thoughts, ideas, needs and wants. We use them to express affection, praise and love as well. However, unfortunately words can be used to hurt and tear down another person's self-esteem. Words have a powerful effect on the people that they are spoken to. The words we choose to use can determine how a situation plays out. After all, words are very powerful.
Take a child who is struggling to read and has to read aloud in front of the whole class. As the child stands there struggling to read, the reaction of the teacher and other students can have a huge effect. Should the other students snicker and call that child names this can cause major issues to his/her self confidence to the point that he/she may give up.
Now imagine what would happen if while that child stood there struggling to read, the other students started giving words of encouragement. Offering words such as "you can do it, keep going", "your doing great" and other such affirming words. That child will now feel good about himself/herself and continue to work hard to learn how to read better.
It is how the child is spoken to by not only other children but by the adults in that child's life that will make all the difference in their self confidence. A parent that tells their children that they cannot do something is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Tell a child they cannot do something long enough and they will believe you and then not even try. Therefore, it is important to use words that are positive and encouraging to your children.
Adults are affected by words as well and these words can help to build an adult up or tear them down. Negative words spoken between parent and young adult can still have an impact on that young adult's view of themselves.
Words are powerful and the old saying of "if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all", is something that we should all live by. Sometimes it is hard not to say something negative in the heat of the moment, but we must try.
We all need to know that we are somebody special, that we matter and have much worth. It is through the words that others speak to us that allow us to feel like we do matter. Think about how you feel when someone says something negative to you. Those feelings that you have should be what keeps you from saying them to someone else. Words should never be used to tear another person down. Instead, we should use our words to help build self confidence.
The Power of Words: Building Up or Tearing Down?
Words wield immense power, capable of both constructing and destructing. Every utterance can either uplift or undermine, echoing the sentiments of Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." This biblical wisdom underscores the profound impact our words can have. Whether in casual conversations or intense discussions, the choice between nurturing or negating is always present. This article explores the significance of our verbal exchanges and the profound effects they can have on others, urging us to choose our words wisely to foster positivity and growth.Motivation to Move It, Move It!
Some encouraging words to get you to move it, move it. It's the big "E" word - exercise. You will relate to the scenarios and be uplifted with motivation to remember why it is a must!What's in Your Water?
It is a well known fact that the water we drink has higher levels of contaminants and particles then most of us want. Unfortunately it is not feasible or affordable to live off bottled water, so Will It Kill It has a solution. Learn more about tap water and the water you consume.