Can We Influence the Gender of Our Child?
In a couple there may always be common or different desires regarding the sex of the baby, but despite its gender he will always represent a great joy for each family.
some parents sometimes do wish to give birth either to a boy or a girl and they are wondering how they can deal with this issue and many time apply to all sorts of gender calculators.
Some recent studies showed that the diet of the mother before the pregnancy, as well as during the first weeks of pregnancy, influences the gender of the child. Realized by science people from Oxford, they revealed that the sex of the baby is determined by the mom’s diet. At least in the case of in vitro fertilization, it has been shown that the consumption of sweets favors the birth of males over females of whose genetically orientation is inhibited. The mechanisms through which the gender development of the child is influenced are not fully understood but important researches are made at this moment concerning this issue.
It seems that mothers who regularly eat breakfast have a higher probability of giving birth to a boy, his sex being closely linked to the level of glucose in blood. It is known that immediately after a meal blood sugar rises and after that drops under the action of insulin which “introduces” glucose into cells, decreasing its concentration in the blood.
Studies were made on approximately 750 pregnant women at the first birth and it seems that women who were fed with meals rich in vitamins C, E and B12, potassium, carbohydrates and protein, mostly gave birth to boys, and those who had fewer meals per day, especially rich in calcium salts and magnesium, gave birth to little girls. Also, in developed countries, where women tend to eat more during the pregnancy in order not to cause a deficit to the baby, in the last decades were born especially boys.
However, all these studies have experimental value and cannot say with certainty that diet influences baby's sex, nor is this influence can be explained scientifically. Another theory was launched by Dr. Shettles, which studied over 35 years methods that can influence the baby gender. All of those methods are written in his book, “How to Choose the Sex of your Baby”.
According to The Shettles Method, the male sperm is faster than the female sperm, smaller and more short-lived. That’s why, if the couple desires a boy, the intercourse should take place closest to the time of the woman’s ovulation. Furthermore, the penetration should be as deeper as possible in order to allow the Y sperm (male sperm) to reach the egg first. This is achieved through some rear entry intercourse (for example man enters woman from behind).
Unfortunately, none of the above theories can guarantee the exact sex of the baby. So, until the discovery of a new 100% sure method of defining the gender of you future child, it will remain a surprise to find out if you have a girl or a boy.