Caring For Your Baby
If you are a new parent and have a brand new baby, there are a lot of new things to consider and here are some tips on what to expect.
Expecting a new baby can be the most exciting and wondrous time of life. Babies are the most delightful and magical little creatures and to have one on the way can be the most wonderful part of being a human being. When you are expecting a baby,

there are some things that you want to have set up before the baby's arrival just to make sure that all is in order before the baby's birth. You want to make sure, first of all, that the baby has a place to sleep and has a proper crib and basinet.
A basinet is an important feature if you live in a rather large house or if you have two floors. Though a basinet is not essential, it is highly useful because a crib is not portable and if you do not have this then you will have to move the baby around in a carrier. So, if you keep a basinet, you can take the baby where you want to whether you are up or down and that way they will have a nice place to sleep in two different parts of the house. Now, if you think a crib is enough, you will want to choose between a round crib or a rectangle crib. Though more fashionable certainly, round cribs are actually rather impractical because the baby will grow and soon not be able to fit in the crib.
Also there is a lot of wasted space in the crib, that you will be able to use in the rectangle crib. This decision might also depend upon how large your room or the nursery for your baby is and that will also help you decide how big to make the crib. Next you want to make sure you have few basic outfits for the baby. Now if you don't know the sex of the child, that is fine, but you want to have a few generic type outfits, like a onesie piece and some shorts and a lot of blankets because your child will need it for every nap and every moment really for the first few months. You want to make sure you have a good store of blankets as you will constantly be laundering them for new ones after spit ups and other things. You want to make sure you have diapers in the right size and also plenty of formula, wipes, and pacifiers. The hospital will be sure to give you most of these things at the beginning, but you want to still have your own supply, as well, and choose brands you trust.
It's important to have your house stocked and ready because when the baby comes there won't be any time for these preparations and you will find that all your time is going into making sure that you are taking care of your child. That is why you want to make sure that the blankets are bought, the diapers and pacifiers and all number of other items necessary for your baby. You want to make sure that you have a car seat installed in the car and make sure it is done properly.