Child and Toddler Development Stages
Children are born learners. Children grow, develop, and learn throughout their lives from birth and infancy to adulthood.
The early years of a child's life are crucial for cognitive,

social and emotional development. The program for children 6 months to 2 1/2 years of age is held in the infant and toddler facility. A child's development is unique and complex. Parenting is important to you because your children matter more than anyone in the world. As a caring adult, you want to give your kids the best. So you strive to understand child development and child discipline and become a better parent. The teachers create the physical and psychological environment that encourages children to play and thereby direct their own cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.
The teachers support the children's development through interesting, challenging, and fun activities, sensitive listening, and ongoing relationships. Although children develop through a generally predictable sequence of steps and milestones, they may not proceed through these steps in the same way or at the same time. Therefore, it is important that we take every step necessary to ensure that children grow up in environments where their social, emotional and educational needs are met. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 grow and mature at very different rates.These include children mind developments, emotional developments, behavioral developments, health and nutrition, language developments, social developments, development of children with autism.
- Children are important people who deserve to be cared for by people who respect, trust, and accept them for who they are.
- Be able to hold the head upright. If the head falls backwards, put the baby in a semi-reclined position - sitting halfway up, with the head higher than the hips. Give support at the base of the neck, not at the back of the head.
- The social, emotional, and cognitive needs of each child should be met by offering a variety of age-appropriate materials and activities supporting the child’s natural desire to explore, experiment and problem solve. Find an arrangement that fits your personal philosophy for your child’s care.
- Develop self-awareness and acceptance about their own physical, social and emotional selves
- Each of us has our own parenting style that is unique to our particular personality characteristics and philosophies on how children should be raised. Generally, these styles encompass some basic ideas on discipline, relationship building, and expectations.
- Educate yourself about physical, emotional and cognitive development between the ages of one and five.
- You will discover compelling insights on child parenting, child development, child behavior, child discipline and more that will help you understand where to start and how to create and maintain a lifetime closeness with your kids that is based on love and mutual respect.
- Children learn to cope with their feelings by being allowed to experience the full range of their emotions.
- Timid children need a lot of encouragement to attempt new activities, and even courageous children need parental love and support to try and try again until they have succeeded in their aims.
- The child development faculty have been teaching the child development majors be family-oriented, and use developmentally appropriate practices when working with young children and their families.